24 Volt Lithium Battery

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I am going to mod my novation ultranova to use with a battery pack. just trying to be sure of the specs as the manual says the wall wart is 12vdc 1250ma BUT it can also be powered by usb which is only 5vdc at.5a . so what would be the best choice to be able to get a nice long lasting power supply on it? (I would like to just make up a battery pack that I can plug into the dc connection on the UN)
Use an gell cell/AGM battery. Those are around 12V, and can run for hours depending on your chosen capacity and load drawn. An 18Ah battery might last 6-10 hours. It might help if you say why you need to run it without utility power, and for how long you need it to run.
hey there i have a psp slim the first one released and i its battery 3.6V 1200mAh exploded:/ i just wondered if an old battery pach 3.6V 1800mAh of the first fat psp released is compatible with the slim one if not can you suggest me what to do??
No, the battery for the 1000 series cannot be used in a 2000 or 3000. On the very bottom of it (with the screen facing up and the shoulder buttons furthest away from you), you should see a barcode with the model number. If it says 1000 (or 1001 or something similar), you have a fat model. If it says 2000 or 3000, you have a Slim model. The 1000's battery doesn't fit in the 2000 and 3000's compartment. Sony does make replacement battery packs, however, as well as an Extended Life Battery Kit. If you use your PSP a lot, I really recommend getting the Extended Kit. It takes the normal battery life from 3-5 hours to 5-11. The only problem is it's bigger, and a bigger battery means a bigger cover. They only provide black and silver battery covers. It's not a huge problem, but it is there.
I dropped my battery pack and i am wondering if that is the reason why i am not able to turn on my pc. thank you in advance.
Are you talking about a laptop? If you've dropped the battery and now the laptop won't turn on, I guess it doesn't take a scientist to know what the problem is.
The battery pack in the circuit diagram, which is a positive long and thin a short and thick?
The circuit diagram of the battery is a long vertical and a short vertical composition.
I have one of those Plug n Play rechargeable battery packs that I use when I don't have batteries. I know they aren't really reliable and the shelf-life is losing pretty fast. But now, every time I place my battery pack inside the charger, it quickly switches from red to green in the matter of seconds. There use to be an easy fix to this that I use to go through to alleviate the problem but I haven't played XBOX in awhile and forgot it. Is their an official way to get the Plug n Play charger to work correctly like it's suppose too? I unplugged, waited ten seconds and plugged back up. I turned off the XBOX console with the controller. Nothing works. But *something* use to work. I just forgot what method I used
you have damaged your battery, go to game stop and purchase a new rechargeable one for 11$
I have a battery pack that looks like it's 16 D batteries joined together with single plug. Seems to be a pack that would be used to power display merchandise in stores, such as games.
By value do you mean cash value? I have no idea. Probably not much, who wants the expense of buying 16 D cells. If you electrical value, it will depend on how the batteries are connected together. It could be anywhere from 1.5 volts up to 48 volts.
I foolishly burned out 2 green LEDs already since I provided too much voltage. The 2 green LEDs I need to light up have a forward voltage of 3.2 volts each. The battery pack has 3 AA rechargeable batteries, for a total of 3.6 V(1.2 V per battery). If I remove one battery, the LEDs won't light up at all. How can I reduce the voltage so it doesn't burn out my LEDs, do I need to use a resistor or can I use something else? If I need resistors, what kind of resistors should I use?
OK, hopefully you have some basic electronics knowledge, 'cause I'm gonna throw you some specifics here. First, make sure that the LED's anodes are wired in parallel, and connect the positive wire to either the power source, or an on/off switch. Next, you will wire a 22Ω resistor to each cathode, so you'll need 2x 22Ω resistors. Then, connect the other end of the resistors to the negative terminal on your battery.
I lost the plug to charge my tv baby monitor. I really need this monitor asap. I have a 6 yr old, a 2 yr old and a 3 month old. I can't be with them all at once so it's a big help. I removed the battery pack from the handheld tv and it has a small red and small black wire with a little plastic piece that inserts into the tv. Can I remove these batteries and put my charged AA batteries in place?
Better yet, go to Radio Shack and ask them, they will have what you are looking for. Best Buy, Circuit City, also, but they seem to be more expensive and have less selection for specific chargers.