1kv Solar Inverter

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The specs say: 350 Watts, DC 12V, 100-240V. It is a Rackable server.Are there special / different power cables to use with servers than desktop PCs?Where can I find the power cable with the above specs. I tried OKorder with not much luck.
You should be able to use a large three prong power cable (with a ground on it) for your server.
My internet went down after a lightning storm. My cable modem is completely unresponsive and won't even power up, but everything else on the power strip is fine. So I am assuming the surge came through the coaxial. Someone suggested that the cable might fry any new modem I put on it, but that sounds off to me.Do I need to replace the coaxial, or will it be safe to just replace the modem?
If modem won't power up, see if you can find an identical power brick and try that. What is important is the voltage is same and amperage is at or above what the correct one is. And the connector needs to be the same. If that doesn't work, replace modem.
Please, its urgent. Is it possible to use another wire? I don't have money btw.
Disconnect the power cable to the CD or DVD drive for a while and use it on the hard disk for now if you have no money. That way you can use it.
I'm trying to run a cable and power outlet into a closet for a media space but im not sure how to add the outlets in there. The area where the closet is, is on a wall that has no outlets and behind the closet is a bathroom which has no outlets on that side of the wall either so theres nothing to tap into. please help.thank you.
This is so situation and construction specific that it can't be answered. Anyone answering this would have to be there in order to tell you what the solution is. Tell ya what, give us full mechanical, structural, and electrical blueprints for your house and I'll tell you what to do. LOL. I'm sorry that your question is impossible to answer. I guess the real answer is to find someone handier than yourself.
hi can some 1 help me? my problem is my harddrive just stops working its happend twice now.so i unpluged the sata power lead from the hard drive and from the power supply plugged it all back in and worked fine for months and today it happend again so i did the same thing and all is good again.so could my lead be dodgey or could it be my harddrive.if it is my lead where can i buy a proper multi sata power from thanx.
first of all do you have another sata power connector you can plug into the hard drive? if you do then try that. or do you have a spare sata drive you can plug into the current power adaptor? if the drive functions correctly from the change in power adapters or the spare drive has issues your power supply may be bad. otherwise you may want to contact the manufacture of the hard drive and do a warranty replacement. or just buy a new hard drive. chances are your hard drive is going to fail on you. either that or make sure the connection is secure and don't hit your pc Note if your optical drive is sata as well swap the connections from drive to drive and see if your disk drive acts up instead of your hard drive.
I am buying a graphics card with a 6-pin power cable connection, but i have no six pin power connections, so i need a converter that converts two molex (four pin) plugs into the 6-pin plug that i need. But i have no molex pins, so i need to convert my two sata 15-pin cables to molex pins so that i can complete the circuit. will this work without risking damage to anything, and will it work in the first place?Also, do i HAVE to use _two_ molex cables to make the pci-e (six pin) cable?
hi confident you are able to, you need to purchase FDD 4 pin Molex to finished length Molex adapters or only butcher the cable and solder the recent MOLEX on and use some electric tape on the bare wires (would not seem exceptionally).
How do I get it not to do that? Its really annoying. Whenever I remove the charger cable , the screen gets really dark. It seems like an actual function and not a defect, but is their a way to toggle it on and off?
normal, although you can chage some of the settings under control panel as well as using the function key and raise/lower the brightness
i would like to have my power cables and control boxes inside in one spot is this possible? if so how and how expensive would it be?
You could use trunking for the cables, and for the control boxes if they are in the house you could hide them under a box which you could decorate to look like a parcel...personally I would paint it, but drill some holes for ventilation.