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How should landscape sculptures and sculptures be blended and matched with their surroundings?
A unique sculpture, even a chair for rest, a Ting Ting along the lake, etc., these pieces generally have a simple practical function, but also with decorative features of plastic arts
Decorative engineering design, landscaping design?
Landscape maintenance division, landscape architect, landscape architect, interior decorator
Is there any risk to do outdoor decoration (similar to the sculpture in the garden, the landscape in the neighborhood, etc.) and who are our consumer groups?
Sculpture is generally more government procurement. You have the best channel. The relationship is very important
The new landscape garden sculpture company has door-to-door decoration services?
Their operations include customization, design, procurement, installation, services, and a comprehensive system
Landscape architecture and interior design professional design, which employment prospects?
Planning, plant, aesthetics, literature, art, design and other related professional knowledge, the conscious process of thinking and planning strategy for the natural environment
What are the elements of landscape architecture?
Including green seedlings, hard landscape materials, and decorative pieces of the application, it is necessary to emphasize the characteristics of the project, consider humanity
What are the characteristics of Chinese garden landscape?
See China from ancient to modern stricthierarchy garden, belonging to the king of expensive or wealthy public officials rich extravagant life accessories
Is landscape architecture an independent unit project in the building codes?
Installation engineering, municipal engineering and Landscaping Engineering