Stainless Steel Tea Set

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Copper bowl chopsticks can eat with
Than the aluminum can, of course, it is smaller to the harm of people, are very rare, because the copper price is too high, most people can't afford to use.
Fantasy westward journey with blue bowls and blue medicine which is cheap What kind of blue medicine to buy
The difference between blue wan w5 can buy more than 6 don't buy it Because you left to artifact tasks When mount 2-3 w can definitely sold The remaining 100 blue line This is good But artifact tasks when you under the clear blue medicine as 1 / f, calculate
Who is the world's first invented bowl, how to find out
Primitive society, there are some simple POTS, then use it to cook rice boiled water, eat. But later it was found that eat with tank is not very convenient, so can do very shallow, gradually formed a bowl. But as for the invention, look I use most. But who is the world's first invention bowl is bad to say, I'm here to tell me about the history of bowl, may help you. In the late primitive society, our country although already tao appears, but tao is very rare, only used for storing valuables. Its dominance or stone, polished stone (new Stone Age, the time of life is not food grains, but results for food, how to say at that time the staple food is the mountains of the beast and the fish in the river, the first food is eaten raw, later found burnt food better eat before switching to roast, so at that time, the people are feeding, which directly bring on the fire roast food to eat, is similar to the modern barbecue, the feeding is not bowl. But in the end of the primitive society to slave society, people might have felt when feeding with Dui food is very hot, so by the way, in the ground picked out a piece of stone chips for cooked food, perhaps this is the earliest bowl shape, this is probably why bowl with "stone" for the cause of the Chinese character component, then because of the presence of the tao, accidentally hit bad put food in the pottery is better than stone, so the slave society of the early "bowl" into a pottery. Later in the slave society, people know how to enjoy, the prototype of the pottery began formally turned into a bowl, ceramics in ancient times known as "melamine", so the bowl writing "盌", xia bronze...
The same bowl Put a bowl of rice bowls of water? Like to eat soft point (but don't too water)
Out of measure word is one and a half bowl of rice a bowl of water, can be measured by hand, right hand on the rice water before hand. Meters is no more, no less less. Can also take a spoon to measure ah, put the ladle on rice, rice water had been done not?
Your job has a capacity of about how many (ml)
About 250 ml, should be average capacity of a bag of milk
General plastic bowl can turn in the microwave oven?????????? Help ah ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Will burn out his bowl?????? So worried
Burn not bad ` ` ` microwave by decomposition of water molecules and let the friction heating, plastic bowl itself is not made of water ` ` afraid
I bought a plastic bowl to taste
1, milk to taste method: first, wash clean with detergent, and then to the plastic bowl into two soup key fresh milk, cover, and each corner contact with milk in the bowl, for about a minute, finally pour out the milk, the bowl clean. 2, orange peel to taste method: first, wash clean with detergent, then fresh orange peel into the bowl, cover, rinse clean for about 3 to 4 hours. 3, use waste in addition to taste tea. Bowl has a smell, swab with waste tea first, reoccupy clear water is rinsed, smell namely except.. 4, with salt water to soak for 30 minutes..
Why do you say a bowl of rice raised benefactor, a bucket of rice raised an enemy?
To keep a benefactor, the old saying says, a bowl of rice a bucket of rice raised an enemy. One cold and hunger, you give him a bowl of rice, is solved his problem, he will be very grateful. But, if you continue to give him, he will feel taken for granted. A bowl of rice, two bowls of rice is not enough, three bowls of four bowls or feel you gave only a drop in the ocean, people's desire is endless.