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What's the sea cucumber logistics equipment?
Sea cucumber is a kind of spiny animal that grows on the bottom rock of the sea or between seaweeds. It is named after its "warm, warm and sufficient ginseng". Sea cucumber as a rarity, its nutritional value is high, the treatment effect of magic, has long been recognized and praised.
Question: what is the nature of logistics warehousing?
However, the nature of the logistics project land with the functions of wholesale, retail and other market transactions should be recognized as commercial land
How to strengthen the integration and construction of logistics infrastructure
function of specialized facilities. In order to provide logistics organization service in accordance with the cost, efficiency and service requirements, the construction of specialized logistics facilities should be carried out in accordance with the specialized facilities so as to have the corresponding functions of the integrated logistics organization.Logistics Centre。 The physical facilities is to have for social services, logistics services (field station, warehouse and equipment), improve the information network and service capabilities are available, the larger the scope of radiation, to small species, large storage capacity requirements, can be unified operation and management of supply chain logistics business functions.Distribution Centre。 To have the physical facilities to provide services, goods distribution services for specific users (field station, warehouse and equipment), improve the information network and service capabilities are available, the radiation range mainly for sale to city or enterprise network as the basis, to adapt to many varieties of small batch high frequency distribution requirements, to the delivery service for both main products inventory control and storage services and other functions;Logistics Park。 The function of the logistics centers, distribution centers and other specialized comprehensive facilities and professional facilities, transport stations, warehousing and other single function together, can provide a variety of forms and links of the logistics service organization.
What does the storage equipment mainly consist of?
1, horizontal transport equipment, including a variety of vehicles, conveyor belts, belt machines, etc.;2, packaging equipment: including packaging, packaging machinery, yards, equipment and so on;3 、 vertical conveying equipment: hoist, forklift, stacker and so on;4, handling equipment: such as a large crane (gantry container cranes), ship unloading of various professional equipment (car);5 、 Safety Monitoring equipment;6 、 automatic management equipment.
What are the logistics and warehousing equipment? The more, the better
Plastic tray tray, wooden pallets, steel pallets, storage cage, tchouk frame, logistics trolley, forklift cage, shelves of light, medium, heavy.
What is lean storage?
With the development of enterprises, enterprises need to increase investment in all aspects, especially in warehousing, but also in warehousing, storage facilities, handling equipment, sorting equipment, barcode technology and other aspects of investment.Application of bar code technology can effectively solve the enterprise operation efficiency is low, the inventory control is difficult, difficult to manage their problems, and can easily cope with the market change constantly.Implementation of warehouse management informationization, we must establish the only encoding for each and every variety of products, and the use of bar code printer to make barcode label on the packaging of clothing or hang in the product tag.This will not happen again, the goods can not be found, missed the opportunity to sell the situation.
How to carry out logistics warehousing operations?
Warehouse layout design and equipment improvement as the logistics process of the entire system hub, the warehouse design layout is reasonable, affecting the entire library operating efficiency.For example, the warehouse can be divided into different sorting areas according to the product category. In this way, FCL, unpacking, the entire disk separate operation, can avoid the scene clutter, reduce cargo damage.
The differences and advantages between warehouse logistics and ocean shipping logistics
The automated warehouse, make full use of the space of automated warehouse is an important part of modern warehousing, warehouse system uses multi-layer storage of goods, the height can reach 30 meters, can be set according to the needs of different types of Overhead: high (greater than 12 meters), middle (5-12 m) and low (5 m). This can save nearly 70% of the floor area compared to the flat screen.The realization of mechanization and automation, so as to improve the management level of automated warehouse system by the warehouse shelves, stacking machine, a storage conveyor, automatic control system and information management system, can be done automatically in accordance with instructions to access goods and goods for operation, warehouse automation management, material handling storage and more reasonable. As a result of shelf storage, combined with computer management, you can easily achieve the FIFO, the storage principle of Chen Chuxin appears to prevent the goods from aging, deterioration, rust and other phenomena.