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What is ps plate
PS plate Polystyrene (PS) extruded sheet Features and uses: The product is polystyrene as the main raw material, made by extrusion, free coloring, odorless and tasteless non-toxic, not to bacteria growth, with rigidity, insulation, good printing, etc., mainly for packaging, container equipment, Daily decoration, general electrical and construction and other industries. PS polystyrene decorative board is polystyrene particle molding compound in the extrusion plate on the extrusion molding of organic polymer sheet.
Help, carpenters plate problem, is the green of Nanjing is good, or the horse's green sea good?
Not that way, the green sheet of the green 170.180, 170 of a 135, 180 of a 140, not down the price, cheap to say that the factory, in fact, Oh, that is
What are the plates of plate furniture?
Plate furniture is made of man-made sheet (MDF, particleboard, blockboard, etc.) as the substrate, the surface of the artificial wood color or veneer, melamine board for surface finishes. The advantages of plate furniture is sheet metal forming, stable performance is not easy to deformation, processing and transportation are more convenient.
It is said that cloud ecological sheet can be net aldehyde antibacterial, is it true?
I went to the cloud of the official website of the cloud looked, they are using the technology of China and Europe net aldehyde antibacterial patented technology, the official website has a test report and patent certificate, the patent can not do false, have a patent number can be checked, so it should be true Right now. Look at them so well, equal to white to send a 24-hour boot air purifier, I have a little heart, and back to play when the furniture to try.
Jumping rabbit plate quality is good
Jumping rabbit plate good, blockboard in the industry or famous.
Is melamine board an ecological board? Is melamine board really environmentally friendly?
Ecological board is another way of melamine board, in fact, the two is the same thing, melamine board as a result of the use of environmentally friendly technology, with environmental protection paint function, relative to other sheet, the environmental protection more! Relatively large ecological board such as king coconut, the new millennium, are good.
Always said that the plate is very complex, think about learning a little professional knowledge
Can be distinguished by the following steps and methods: First is "see", but also to see the focus. Good plate surface smooth and smooth, the edge of the board is very clear. As well as the packaging on the plate is clear, the above name, address, grade, specifications and other information are complete, not clear, incomplete information or more attention to the plate, and may be added to the color of the plate. Two smell, because the legendary formaldehyde is released from the plate, will directly affect people's health. Good plate not only good choice of materials, but also for the adhesive glue is environmentally friendly, even if the number of more stacked together, it will not emit a very pungent taste. If the choice of a plate placed in the home there is a very obvious pungent chemical smell, it should be noted. ?Three saws, before the purchase can be a small sample to the business, and then cut it to see its inner core, a good plate section level is very clear, because it is a layer of paste a very tight, very good convergence, and those miscellaneous Wood stitching the poor quality of the plate core is not dense, must not buy. Four test, through the relevant identification agencies, with professional tools and related technical means to identify the plate to determine the quality of good or bad, this method is more professional and accurate. Plate material is also an important factor is the moisture content, the general moisture content of the plate should be less than 16%, if too high that is not good, may be a while will be mildew or deformation.
These two days is very contradictory, before the decoration and the former contract with the master said the use of the plate is E1 level, the plate is really pulled, but her husband saw a lot of scar on the plate above the wood scar, said the decoration master Cheat him, then simply to the plate company to see, know it is true, but I heard there is a E0 level, and now immediately asked the master replaced by this level
In China, the State Administration of Quality Supervision, the promulgation of the daily necessities of environmental protection level is not E0 level. E0 is a food grade, which is interpreted as placing the item in water for 24 hours, and the water is still directly drinking the standard. E1 standard is 0-1.5mg / l, so we can see that as long as the formaldehyde emission is positive, it is within the E1 level; EO grade plate only in Europe will have E0 level.