Stainless Steel Bed Frame

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What is the best way to paint a White Bed Black?
Give the bed a light sanding with very fine sand paper, this will help the new paint stick better. Vacuum entire area to remove dust then wipe down with a tack cloth. You can get tack cloth and sand paper almost anywhere they sell paint. If you are spray painting apply a thin coat of primer let dry completely and paint light coats at a time to prevent running and drips. Make sure you let it dry completely between coats. It may take several coats to cover white with black. Use the same method with a brush but it may not need as many coats. Try to find a place where there won't be any dust landing on your new finish while it is drying.
Hey, I've been shopping for a new bed and a lot of the nice ones I'm finding are very low down, is this a trendy thing or do people just think shorter beds look nicer? Thanks
I've just bought a new bed and yes, it is low and now I'm sitting in bed only a few feet off the ground. I'm guessing they're trendy, kind of Japanese influence, but they look great in situ as they aren't the focus of attention in your bedroom. If you want a higher bed go for the traditional divan, but I'm v happy with my low slung bed.
I had a friend say they found bed bugs at their house and I am quite paranoid. I vacuum constantly and my sleep number bed is basically a fancy air mattress. Am I bed bug safe?
No! Bed bugs don't live just in beds. They are like any other insect in that they will live most anywhere. Your sleep number bed would be just as prone to bed bugs as any other bed. I just watch a tv program the other evening where a lady brought bed bugs into her apartment in her suitcase. She had just stayed in a hotel. The bugs were in the suitcase, in light switches and the bed. The main reason they get in the bed is to eat, not just to live there. I am not trying to worry you, just telling what I saw on tv about them. The thing that was also said was that they are on the rise in this country again after being almost wiped out. They used to use DDT to kill them and that is now banned.
I can't choose between this wood bed, this white metal bed and this black metal/iron bed, all from IKEA. Help?!?wood bed
I like the metal beds better than the wood one. I would base my choice upon what type of furniture you are going to use. Nonetheless, of the two metal ones, I think I would enjoy the black one longer as I think I would tire of the ornate white one over the course of time. With either metal bed, you could always spray paint it for a new look in the future. But, again, I like the black one best.
If your breasts are still growing, and you wear a bra to bed will they grow as much as they could?
don't listen to the other person, wearing a bra is actually better for you, it helps keep them in place and works against gravity, Tya banks did an episode all about boobs and thisis what the doctor was saying. It wont cause them to stop growing either
I just bought a new bed and a mattress set. The mattress is a Sealey pillow top really nice. I love the bed and it is not a high bed but when they set it up the box springs made the bed come up to my waist. I feel like the princess and the pea this bed is way to high. I mean I have to climb to get on this thing. I called the store and they told me they can give me a low volume bed spring and it would lower it about 4 inches really is that really enough to bother with cause I am going to have to pay somebody to swap it. What can I do?
If the height of the bed really bothers you then you must do something about it. Four inches is a significant amount when you are trying to get in bed.
My fiance and I have slept on our respective sides of the bed for 2 years now. Two nights ago when I went to lie down, he was on my side of the bed. I asked him to move and he said no, that he wanted that side of the bed now. What the heck is that? What should I do? I want my side of the bed back! I have told him this, yet he says it's his turn for that side of the bed?????
You must now arrive in bed earlier than him. If that doesn't work, have some great sex and end up on his side of the bed. This way, he gets the first wet spot and the original side of the bed.
Can bed bugs live in foam bed padding? Can they live in bedding, or do they mostly live in carpets? Also does keeping the light on at night prevent them from coming out? Can they be drowned if they are in bedding?
Bed bugs live in the bed. Doesn't matter what kind of mattress. They can get in your clothes as well. Leaving the lights on at night doesn't make a difference. If you have bed bugs you have bed bugs. You have to throw out the mattress, call a professional cleaning service and ask to come clean the room (bugs can not be vacuumed. You have to call a cleaning service). You have to take your clothes and get all of them steam pressed. Washer and dryer does not get rid of bed bugs. It is a messy clean up. Get on it before they get worse. And no, you can't drown them.