Solar Module Inverter

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I want to know how many solar panels to use to power my AC and Water heater
Solar okorder /
What would these solar panels power? For instance, my energy bill shows 2035kWh for last month. How much would this remove from that if it outputted full power? Thanks!
For okorder As for that kit you are looking at, that is more suitable for mounting on a travel trailer somewhere where you are camping to recharge the deep cycle battery for the low voltage appliances you are using. Right now is probably a good time to start looking at ways of either running on low voltage, say for general lighting in a basement, or shed, and putting up some means of maintaining those batteries with solar and or wind. If you start small, you can add on at any time.
Solar panels can still be used in areas with high levels of shade or obstruction, but their efficiency and performance may be significantly reduced. Shade or obstructions like tall buildings, trees, or nearby structures can block sunlight, preventing the panels from receiving the necessary amount of light to generate optimal electricity. However, there are advanced technologies and design techniques available that can mitigate the impact of shading, such as using micro-inverters, optimizers, or tilting and positioning the panels to maximize sunlight exposure. Overall, while solar panels can still function in shaded areas, it is crucial to assess the level of shading and its potential impact on energy production before installation.
The maintenance cost of solar panels is generally low. Routine maintenance involves cleaning the panels periodically to remove dirt or debris, which can be done by the owner or a professional cleaning service. Additionally, inspecting the panels for any signs of damage or malfunctioning is recommended. Other than these basic maintenance tasks, solar panels do not require much ongoing maintenance and have minimal operational costs.
Yes, solar panels can be damaged by birds or other animals. Birds may build nests under the panels or peck at the wiring, leading to potential system malfunctions. Similarly, other animals like squirrels or rodents may chew on the wires or cause physical damage to the panels. It is advisable to take preventive measures to protect solar panels from such animal interference.
Yes, solar panels can be installed on a commercial building. In fact, many businesses are opting for solar panel installations as a way to reduce energy costs, promote sustainability, and take advantage of government incentives. Commercial buildings provide ample space for solar panels to be installed on rooftops or as ground-mounted systems, allowing businesses to generate clean energy and contribute to a greener future.
They have been around long enough to be cheaper. Unless they are made out of a natural material that is rare and hard to find, there is no reason why they should be so expensive. On another note, I think that all low power devices like cell phones and even laptops should have solar panels. Even if it is not enough to fully power the device for a long period of time, it will provide some electricity savings and with millions of people saving a little power adds up.
We all would love to have solar panels, I wish I could afford them for my house! The fact of the matter is that the amount of energy used to make solar panels doesn't really make it beneficial. They would have to have a better way of manufacturing them, a way that uses less energy. Basically they don't make up for the energy lost in their production .Despite our efforts there is no fuel like fossil fuel.
I'm looking at solar panels and I have NO IDEA what this stuff means.They come in catagories of Watts. What does that refer to? If a solar pannel is in the 200-watt catagory, what does that really mean? Will it produce 200 watts an hour, a day, a week, a month, a year?? How many watts of energy does the average house use up in one month? I really wish they would just tell me on the website!! :(0 points!!!!!!!! :D
Watts is a measurement of power which is a combination of Voltage x Amps Example: a 200 Watt panel can produce 6.6 amps at 2 Volts. (200 = 2 x 6.6) If you bought a 24 volt system the same 200 Watts would give you half the amount of amps since the power (watts) is the same. When determining your needs for a solar system there are many factors that have to be taken into account. The amount of power you use will depend on what appliances you have in the house, how much you use them, and how careful you are with vampire loads (A TV or stereo will use some power even when turned off unless you unplug them). The amount of panels you need will also depend on your battery system, amount of sunlight that you have in a day and how many days of reserve power you think you will need based on the weather in your area. If you wanted to completely run your house on solar energy you are looking at an investment of $5,000 - $20,000 or even more. There sometimes are tax incentive depending on where you live that will reduce your overall cost. Some examples of power usage: Toaster : 800-500W Microwave : 600-500W Dishwasher : 200-500W Washing Machine : 500W Vacuum Cleaner : 200-700W Iron : 000W Clothes dryer : 4000W Ceiling Fan : 0-50W Table Fan : 0-25W Electric Blanket : 200W Hair Blow dryer : 000W Electric Shaver : 5W Laptop Computer : 20-50W Desktop Computer : 80-50W TV (9 colour) : 70W Clock radio : W Fridge / Freezer : 500W 25 colour TV : 50W Electric Kettle : 2000W