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What role does warehousing play in logistics?
Warehousing is, first and foremost, a logistics activity, or logistics activity is the essential attribute of warehousing. Warehousing is not a production, not a transaction, but one of the logistics activities for production and transaction services. This shows that warehousing is only one of the logistics activities, logistics and other activities, warehousing should be integrated into the entire logistics system, should be associated with other logistics activities, and coordination. This is a significant difference from the past "warehouse management".
How to classify logistics facilities and equipment is more reasonable and scientific
The handling and transportation activities permeate all aspects of the logistics industry, which determines the smooth progress of the logistics industry. The loading system is divided into two parts from the big side to the loading and unloading machinery, and the two to the transportation machinery. Handling machinery include: cranes, forklifts, container handling, handling and pallet make-up. Transport machinery includes all kinds of heavy-duty vehicles for road transportation, trains for railway transportation, ships for water transport, aircraft for air transport, pipelines for pipeline transportation, and so on. With the development of logistics information, network and system, the computer plays an important role in the logistics management. Communication equipment generally include: telephone, telegraph, electronic commerce, wireless transmitter tower, etc.. Computers and communication equipment have linked the life, culture, politics and economy of the whole world, shorten the distance between time and space, and enable people to know the environment, information and change in a timely and accurate way.
Question: what is the nature of logistics warehousing?
However, the nature of the logistics project land with the functions of wholesale, retail and other market transactions should be recognized as commercial land
What are the advantages of automated warehousing and its role in logistics systems?
The loss caused by the quality of operation is greater. On the one hand is the traditional plane warehouse logistics automation level is low, the goods into the library is the basic manual use of forklift operation, due to improper operation will cause artificial goods collision loss; on the other hand is because of the wrong operation or cost error caused by the error distribution, especially the distribution of medicines, will cause more serious consequences.
How to strengthen the integration and construction of logistics infrastructure
Specialized facilities. Refers to a specific area, because of its downstream business relations and production related enterprises are relatively concentrated, or as the regional freight is more concentrated in the node area, need to provide specialized facilities on the requirements of logistics management, including logistics park, logistics center and distribution center, so that in a specific area to achieve supply chain centralized management the function of.
What aspects of logistics and warehousing management?
Should meet the following requirements in the general layout of warehouse: (1) abide by the laws and regulations of various buildings and facilities planning; (2) to meet the requirements of warehouse operation smoothly, avoid repeated handling circuitous transportation; (3) ensure the storage of goods safety; (4) ensure the working safety; (5) the maximum use the warehouse area; (6) to make full use of warehouse facilities and equipment; (7) comply with the security and fire protection requirements; (8) consider warehouse expansion requirements.
Logistics warehousing problems?
The term "logistics" (LOGISTICS) refers to the general circulation process of production, distribution, retail, supply, transportation, warehousing and so on. It means "logistics", which is developed for the effective use of military organization in order to achieve a rapid logistics support front-line use support system in the transport of weapons, ammunition and food such as Europe and the United States, was later applied to commercial institutions, along with the rapid development of world economy and trade, logistics service architecture, quickly from the early stage, growth is one of the most economical and reasonable service system in transportation industry. Along with the modern network information technology is increasingly improved and the free circulation of goods, logistics (transport, storage, handling, packaging, distribution processing) information management, will be a key factor in international competitiveness of enterprises.
What are the categories of logistics?
Social logistics belongs to the macro scope, including equipment manufacturing, transportation, warehousing, distribution, packaging decoration, information services, public logistics and third party logistics through the logistics enterprises; the micro logistics category, including production logistics, supply logistics, sales logistics and recycling logistics and waste material logistics etc..