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I am in the process of having a new roof installed. What are my options in regards to improving its' insulating properties?
I’m guessing you are asking about the attic. Spray cellulose insulation is the way to go. Very green with 80% or more of the product made from recycled paper. Wet or dry depending on the need, with some system allowing for a DIY application.
How do I adequately insulate my attic roof to make the space a bit more habitable in the winter? The floors to the living area below are already insulated and we have a gable mounted fan which is great in the summer. I am thinking of adding insulation to the roof with baffles underneath for air circulation through the soffit vents. Am I anywhere near an idea that may work?
you live in the conditioned air box! you can't change your wall insulation, just add more to the ceiling. don't block roof vents as they are as important in winter as summer. if you have an unfinished basement, you may want to consider sealing off the joist with plastic or tyvek depending on your conditions ( north or south ). most bang for the buck is ceiling insulation.
Can I install rigid insulation between roof decking and shingles on a sloped roof?
No. The shingles are applied directly to the decking (over felt paper). Nailing through rigid insulation will either cause dips from driving the occaisional nail too far, or the shingles won't be nailed down tight and will blow off in the wind. Insulate under the decking.
do i have to have insulation in my roof?
There is a need for insulation in order to avoid very cold nights in the winter and too hot days in the summer. For this purpose, an attic radiant barrier will provide an instant solution to reducing both high summer and winter cooling and heating costs. During winter, heat loss is so rapid that it is often passing through the attic insulation then towards the cooler part of the roof. However, an attic radiant barrier will help reduce the heat loss and in the end save you lots of money and discomfort.
No insulation was installed under roof of my 2 story home. Im not rich but looking for info on installing about 450 ft. up there.
Well not sure what he question actually is. It is a good idea to do that. Going to any Home Depot or Lowes will help. You can give them the info you have and they can tell you coast and products that are available. Hope this helps.
I have 4 pieces (about 50 sq ft) of odd shaped polystyrene foam insulation between 3" and 4" thick. it's leftover from installing a flat roof. creative ideas anyone?
I'm a bit confused here Andy. If the flat roof needs replacing, when it is removed what is revealed is going to be exactly what you would see if you removed the ceilings. So why consider removing the ceilings if they are ok? When the flat roof is replaced put the insulation in then. Whilst rockwool would have been the material to use there is now roofing insulation board that is much more efficient, 50mm board gives equivalent insulation of something like 150mm rockwool. If the flatroof isn't fitted with suitable vents to keep it ventilated fit them when the roof is done too. The only reason I can see for replacing the ceiling plasterboard is if it hasn't got a vapor barrier ie foil backed board.
i live in a tropical country and i need to insulate my roof to block off the heat from the sun...which insulation would best help me? aluminum foil with foam, real foil with foam or PE with foam? pls help...thank u so much!
Use HDPE foam (high density polyethylene) - possibly with a layer of aluminum foil sandwiched in between. It's also waterproof (polystyrene isn't).
Hi, I have got a physics question and was just wondering about it.. Can someone pls tell me how does roof insulation work? how is it effective? How does the insulation changes the heat circulation and transfer inside a house?I know that the insulation prevents radiation from the sun and overheating.. but any more details about radiation, convection and conduction of heat pls?
Well insulation makes a dead air space (air is stagnant). Since the air is not moving the transfer of hot and cold is slowed down considerably. But since you have to create cross ventilation to reduce rotting in wood and the build up of explosive gasses. Its a crap shoot that it even does any good. Radiation is heat so that's covered by the dead air space. Convection is usually not an issue with the cross venting. Also for conduction the insulation should slow it down considerably.