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I nicked my wrist on some sharp plastic in my car, bled for a second but i immediately put disinfectant on it about 2 minutes after. I'm 20 and don't know about my last tetanus shot but do I need one? Really hate needles and it was plastic. Freaking out a bit so any help would be great!
Tetanus is found in the soil. You might develop tetanus if you were wounded by an object that had been covered with dirt for a lengthy period of time, or one that had traces of dirt on it. You are highly unlikely to develop tetanus from nicking yourself with a sharp piece of clean plastic located in your car. Go get a tetanus booster, if it will put your mind at ease - it won't hurt anything.
my english homework a speech on evil of using plastic bags?
Plastic bags have long since been a staple of society. You go to the store, pile groceries into your cart, and they put them in those oh-so common plastic bags. Everywhere you go to shop they're there, and when you get home you just either keep the bags or, like most people do, throw them away. I can see plastic bags flying around outside, or on the sides of highways and such. That's called littering people! Why make such things if you're jsut going to throw them around! And if they get thrown away in a dump, there's no way taht things going to decompose for another 500-1000 years! Thats at least 3 generations that that trash will last! Not to mention the fact that we make so many, that who knows how many are already slowly decomposing. You people who at leastdont try to reuse plastic bags are evil people. You should be forced to wear a giant sign taped to your foreheads that says If your grandchildren and their children grow up in a trash heap of a planet then I'm to blame. Well, I can't do better than that. Hope it helps! Lol, not bad considering I wrote this.
Could a refugium made from plastic containers house live fish or living creatures?
Sure (acrylic is a plastic). The problem is durability. Many cheap plastics degrade relatively quickly and/or become brittle over time. This can cause a catastrophic failure. Many plastics do not hold up to the UV light spectrum well, so the refugium lighting can cause degradation. Some compatability charts include UV listings. In the long run, a cheap glass aquarium can be $1/gallon at local PetSmart sales. A used one on Craigslist will be less than half that. That's a much better choice.
Agricultural plastic products improve crop uniformity by providing a controlled environment for crops to grow. These products, such as plastic mulch or greenhouse covers, help regulate temperature, moisture, and light exposure, ensuring consistent conditions throughout the growing season. This results in more even plant growth, reduced competition for resources, and better yield quality.
Yes, nursery trays are suitable for growing flowers. They provide a controlled environment for seedlings to germinate and grow, offering the necessary space and drainage for plants to develop healthy root systems. Additionally, nursery trays allow for easy transplanting and can be used indoors or outdoors, making them a convenient option for flower cultivation.
No, nursery trays are not suitable for starting a fruit orchard. Fruit trees require proper spacing and root development, which cannot be achieved in nursery trays. It is best to plant fruit trees directly in the ground to ensure healthy growth and long-term success.
No, nursery trays typically do not come with a built-in humidity control system.
Is it unhealthy to be able to taste plastic? Yesterday I was drinking from a plastic water bottle and I swear I could taste the plastic. Doesn't that mean I'm drinking plastic? Isn't that bad?
yea that does mean you were drinking plastic.thats not good for you.i mean its not gonna kill you or anything major like that ,it just isnt good.....if you taste plastic when drinking from the water bottle ,chances are that the water has been sitting in the botttle for a while and has absorbed some of the plastic.so make sure you drink bottles of water with in a week from when you buy them. but some bottles of water already have the plasticy taste even if they are fresh.a lot of the cheap bottles do that.so if you have to buy bottles of water,buy poland springs.cause those bottles are made with 30% less plastic so they have less of an impact on our earth and they are made with less plastic so there is less plastic to absorb.oooo and recycle any bottle:P but if i were you i would buy one of those plastic reusable water bottles and get i filter in your sink and fill that up everyday.you will be saving maney and helping the environment.and thats a very good thing.just a thought for you.i really hoped i helped.ooo by the way,there is a recent study that shows if you drink water that has been sitting in the car,that can cause breast cancer later in life.idk how that is so,but i read that the other day.so dont drink water that has been left in the car.also if they water has been in the sun,the sun will melt some of the plastic so that could be why you taste it also god bless have a fantasticearth friendly day:]:]:]:] -Maee