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Yes, nursery trays are suitable for starting aromatic herbs. They provide a controlled and protected environment for the young plants, allowing them to develop healthy roots and establish themselves before being transplanted into larger containers or the garden.
my cat loves to lick plastic bags and pictures whygt;
because plastic bags are primarily made up a polymer called polyethylene. it is something a cat don't really smell often. so they are naturally curious about what that new smelly, stretchy, noisy thing is!
Yes, nursery trays can be used for starting a herbaceous perennial garden. Nursery trays provide a controlled environment for seedlings, allowing them to establish roots and grow before transplanting them into the garden. Using nursery trays can help ensure a successful start for herbaceous perennials and promote healthy growth.
Yes, nursery trays are suitable for starting plants for rooftop agriculture. These trays provide a controlled environment for seed germination and early plant growth, allowing for easy monitoring and management of the plants. Additionally, nursery trays are typically designed to be lightweight and portable, making them suitable for rooftop agriculture where space and weight restrictions may be a concern.
There are several different types of plastic films commonly used in greenhouses, including polyethylene film, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) film, and ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) film. Each type of film has its own unique properties and benefits, such as durability, light transmission, insulation, and UV protection. The choice of plastic film depends on factors like climate conditions, crop requirements, and budget.
for coursework , design advantages and disadvantages of using wood metal and plastic , to make something , and in my case a clock ? thanks
Can be done effectively if the car is parted by hand. Sell the good parts, remanufacture the drivetrain if desired but don't just crush and melt the rest! This is wasteful, environmentally harmful and also deprives people somewhere of jobs. Seriously, just give autoshop students a job ripping into cars and sorting the materials, they'll be doing the world good, learning about cars and making some money. Huge factories are being opened to process cars in other parts of the world... let's keep our minds open.
The cost of nursery trays can vary depending on the size, material, and quantity needed. On average, nursery trays can range from a few dollars to around $20 per tray.
There are several advantages of using plastic seedling trays for seedling production. Firstly, plastic trays are lightweight and easy to handle, making them convenient for both small-scale and large-scale seedling production. Secondly, plastic trays provide better insulation and moisture retention, creating a favorable environment for seed germination and early growth. Additionally, plastic trays are durable and reusable, reducing the need for frequent replacements and minimizing costs. Lastly, plastic trays allow for better root development and easy transplanting, as they provide sufficient space for roots to grow without becoming tangled. Overall, plastic seedling trays offer efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and improved seedling quality.