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I mean, i love Thrash for the most part but i hate Glam for the most part also. And another thing. For every good metal band there are thousands of sh*t ones, thus (per capita) its not the best genre. Feck yee!
Best Rock/Metal Vocalist in History - Rock - Freddie Mercury.....Metal - Bruce Dickinson....... Best Rock/Metal Guitarist in History - Rock - David Gilmour......Metal - Randy Rhoads ....... Best Rock/Metal Bassist in History - Rock - Geddy Lee.....Metal - Steve Harris......... Best Rock/Metal Drummer in History - Rock - Dave Grohl ..... Metal - Nicko Mcbrain...... Best Rock Band in History - Pink Floyd........ Best Metal Band in History - Iron Maiden........... Who is the Best of the Best - Iron Maiden Up The Ironsm/ Worst Rock/Metal Vocalist in History - Mark Greenway....... Worst Rock/Metal Guitarist in History - James Hetfield.....But I Love His Voice...... Worst Rock/Metal Bassist in History - IDK Worst Rock/Metal Drummer in History - IDK Worst Rock Band in History - Nickelback Worst Metal Band in History - Limp Bizkit Who is the Worst of the Worst - Jonas Brothers
POLL: RAP or METAL ?!?!?
Nu Metal came off of Glam Metal and Grunge also came off of Glam Metal. They both have the same roots, so they do sound similar.
How long has electronic metal been around?
If the material is the same, a tube or hollow bar will be stronger than a solid bar of the same weight.
it's the only metal gear i haven't played, and sincerely it's not very appealing to me, i'd prefer to skip it.
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Is there a special way to clean/take care of metal jewelry? I clean them with cloth after use but why is making them smell like metal. I know because they are metal but sometimes they can smell pretty bad.
Why do some people hate Black Veil Brides despite their being a awesome band?
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Wikipedia says: Heavy metal (often referred to simply as metal) is a genre of rock music that developed in the late 1960s and early 1970s. With roots in blues-rock and psychedelic rock, the bands that created heavy metal developed a thick, heavy, guitar-and-drums-centered sound, characterized by highly amplified distortion and fast guitar solos. The All Music Guide states that of all rock roll's myriad forms, heavy metal is the most extreme in terms of volume, machismo, and theatricality. Heavy metal has long had a worldwide following of fans known as metalheads or headbangers. Although early heavy metal bands such as Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, and Deep Purple attracted large audiences, they were often critically reviled at the time, a status common throughout the history of the genre. In the mid-1970s, Judas Priest helped spur the genre's evolution by discarding much of its blues influence. The New Wave of British Heavy Metal followed in a similar vein, introducing a punk rock sensibility and an increasing emphasis on speed. In the mid-1980s, pop-infused glam metal became a major commercial force with groups like M?tley Crüe. Underground scenes produced an array of more extreme, aggressive styles: thrash metal broke into the mainstream with bands such as Metallica, while other styles like death metal and black metal remain subcultural phenomena. Since the mid-1990s, popular styles such as nu metal, which often incorporates elements of funk and hip hop; and metalcore, which blends extreme metal with hardcore punk, have further expanded the definition of the genre. ---Hey I know it's long but it's a good description.
Who's the pioneer/pioneers of industrial metal?
Mayhem Gorgoroth Anaal Nathrakh
any black metalers out there.seriously i see none its like theyre hiding or something all i see are skaters and punks but i dont see any metal fans especially black metal.any here around la???
I think that metal falls into the rock catagory. With out Rock 'n' Roll there would be NO metal! Both are awsome because the writers have talent. There is to muc cRAP out there today and not as many actual musicians.