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Light steel keel should be how to strengthen, in order to make solid wood door installed more prison?
Has been reinforced with wood, had not wanted to choose light steel keel is not considered too tight, not the reason for noise, but because these two bolt doors are not out from the original wall, decorating company recommended with light steel keel, So I did not insist, but there are 2 stack walls I insist they use brick
How to fix the middle of the light steel keel to the roof and the ground, the keel has a joint?
If it is looking for decoration workers to do, then they are professional. Under normal circumstances is the use of surge tube and self-tapping screws fixed. (There are other ways). Keel specifications a lot, generally long after the increase in joints. What specifications of the keel with what specifications of the joints. Not common.
4 m long prefabricated board can do light steel keel double gypsum board wall?
Can be light steel keel wall itself is not heavy weight
Can my light steel keel ceiling withstand the weight?
To be honest, the thickness of light steel is not visible, and even your different specifications are difficult to identify together. If the figure shown on the release of these things did not occur under the deformation of light steel, it should be no problem
Light steel keel wall in the end is how much money to know
The partition depends on whether you are single or double-sided single-sided 30 a square double-sided 50 a square called 70 are cut your gypsum board has 13 to 23 blocks have you do partition And not good gypsum board as long as 14 to 15 pieces of gypsum board on it
Light steel keel wall Why do not cross brace welding with welding
Then the book is too much trouble to weld, to master the master to welding, Moreover, the time is too long, so no one with the welding.
Light steel keel wall how to install glass door
The same installation, but in the door frame position can not use the light steel dragon skeleton, and would have to use the big core plate frame to do the door frame, and the width of at least 15 cm above the job, otherwise it will be deformed. The weight is quite large .. is the installation of ordinary doors, are used Daxin board frame. Width of 10 cm or more ... If you stay in the door position is a direct light steel dragon skeleton, this is not safe, can not be fixed
Lightproof wall how to fire
Light barrier If you need to do fire, you must meet three conditions: stability, integrity, heat insulation;