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Began to use the blade to cut the door paint
With hair dryer blowing ad on the hot, torn off a piece of hot, and then use the kitchen clean oil spray, spray on the offset with a rag. Effect package you are satisfied with the new house to stay, meridian duo prostitutes Xin Ge Ge Weifeng glass first change the lock cylinder 1, most developers with the door and the lock cylinder are engineering doors, engineering a sub-package down, they want Control costs are generally very cheap locks. This lock is A-level cylinder, a minute to the technical open. 2, the most primitive have a decoration key, developers, decoration workers, property, etc. are likely to prepare their own decoration keys, the decoration key may still be able to open your door. 3, experienced people can be based on the decoration key with the main key. 4, if you think the original door is not good, the economic conditions are particularly allowed, it can consider changing the door. But still have to consider changing the door after the lock. Big to buy a few thousand, a dozen people carried home, installed up, the results of the door with the lock or developers with the same type or the same level of lock. When the thief saw it, he laughed. Upstairs downstairs on a door for you, especially conspicuous. Change the super B-class lock cylinder, to ensure foolproof
Our company recently bought a few anti-theft door, storage needs to have acceptance criteria, trouble to give you a more acceptance criteria
Anti-theft door is produced according to GB. Grade B Grade B. The best is Grade A. The worst is the D level. The main difference is the thickness of the steel plate and the inside of the filler. The level of the dong is greater than or equal to that of 0 arc. The back is greater than or equal to 0.57 mm. This is the minimum. The other to check their own.
How to remove the white paint on the anti-theft door
Depends on what you anti-theft door material, if it is alloy profiles plus paint, with the paint in addition to the original primer is also wiped off. If it is latex paint, then directly with a damp cloth slowly soak, and then rubbed out of the hard, if it is wood paint or oily paint anti-rust paint on the building materials market, a special cleaning paint lotion, the best to buy which Sprayed (like a beriberi a spray of spirit) ten yuan or so, first in other places brush point white paint, and then wipe the test results with lotion.
My family anti-theft door keyhole has been unknown people blocked four times there are two families were locked in the door can not enter the door. Spend a lot of money, for the lock heart can be. Blocking the eyes of the people to adopt the way to the night to lock the eyes of irrigation, it should be neighbors for neighbors. Today, my family has been found to be blocked, recalled to be blocked card single drop pole Chi Emei pine lice law stiff reason, may be yesterday I was a little late clothes. Is now suspected to be downstairs, how can I do? More
The anti-theft door of the cat's eyes into the camera, on the ordinary computer with the line, who is dry, not at a glance, and then root attack single drop pole Emei Emei law is fake, who is thinking, it is necessary You can also alarm
What is the quota of the security door?
Sets of quotas generally include: finished door installation, door locks, handles, door closers, sequencers, hardware, etc., some doors and fire glass.
Anti-theft door lock lock core several, the kind of the most secure.
Oh, no matter what kind of anti-lock lock cylinder, for professionals who are the same degree of security, open the same degree of difficulty are the same. I suggest you choose their favorite on the European friends.
My home security door always grinding on the side of the door frame how to adjust
Do you use stainless steel doors for ordinary hinges? If it is to remove the door! Use a hammer to knock down the pillars on the hinges! Everything! This problem is mainly caused by the installation, there is no vertical, meaning that is uneven, manufacturers generally do not allow this problem is the factory! If you are a dark hinge, then we must press the above friends who use the 6 angle wrench to debug! Generally relax the above two hinges can be it! The following generally do not need to debug! Or else you can not install it!
We are downstairs unit security door intercom and home lock is broken, the guests can only throw down the key, I feel very impolite, I now have a window connected to the first floor of the 8-core cable, can use this line I would like to unlock this set is not very understanding, whether the first change, and then access to the lock? What is the principle of unlocking? As long as the key can be unlocked at home on the line, right Do not need to say, and shouting twice on the line.Want to delay the trough of the river of tea right to have a reasonable person to speak a little thorough, the more simple the better, I dry electrician, how much a little knowledge of the circuit. More
You still ask people to engage in it.