Engineered Wood Planks

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Cut Slicing - The cut is a round of vertical cut logs, producing a veneer with a ruled ridge.
Rift-Cut (Rift-Cut) - cut the cut veneer used in a variety of oak manufacturing. The xylem of oak is stretched from the center of the logs, like the curved spokes of the wheels.
What are the specifications for veneer?
The price from a more than one square to several hundred and one square have, the general import of expensive than domestic
Often, the processing of natural vines is done by slicing the method. The process flow is as follows
The use of these saws to produce veneer, the board rate is high, the quality of thin wood is better, chopper machine is more efficient.
How to seize the key to solve the problem of slow development of paste veneer process?
According to professional survey found that upgrading the veneer process not only to ensure the quality of veneer and production level, but also need a suitable veneer glue
What are the quality items of veneer piles?
by the bark part is later growth, material color deep, Dense, hard material, said latewood (autumn wood, summer material)
Different veneer has different production processes
. Of course, there are some furniture enterprises to understand the technology more comprehensive
The Veneer dyeing quality requirements
Quality requirements: the color is not bleaching, the whole batch of goods not more than three kinds of color, flat, humidity does not exceed 10%, no residue of chemicals, no smell.
Slicing of thin slices of wood
after cooking treatment; the cooking process should be reduced to more than 40 ℃, it should slow down the heating rate