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My armour:Rune full helmAdamant PlatebodyAmulet of DefenceSafety GlovesRune PlatelegsFancy BootsRune BattleaxeAnti-Dragonbreath shieldMy inventory:Strength potion (3)Air runesLaw runesEarth runes (for emergency teleport)24 x SwordfishIs this set-up good enough for killing Elvarg? Are there better suggestions? (PS: I'm already stuck in Crandor, anyone can help me?)
All 1st Hour – A New View of Gravity The proofs are down in Section 4If Quantum Mechanics is correct and Gravitons exist, the answer to the original question remains the same: Gravitons travel at the speed of light Still takes 8 minutes. But what is gravity? An acceleration due to the warp in Space-Time or a force carried by a Messenger Particle? The Graviton (if it exists) would be the rope linking the sun to the earth.. The result of the Thought Experiment changes: We can now tell the difference because we can in theory detect Gravitons and tell if we are under gravity or acceleration. OPINION: Gravitons are NOT a foregone conclusion. Gravity is so different from the other 3 Fundamental Forces, its mechanism could easily be different. It will be interesting to see how it shakes out. For now: Opinion - Gravity is an acceleration that results from the warp of Space-Time.
Now that NBC fired that liar Brian Williams, should FOX follow suit and fire its entire lying broadcast staff?
I have a suggestion but first let me shoot down some of the other idea's with the fact that in cold weather you ALWAYS need access to pipes and fittings. Heat tape-no, the electrical in heat tape goes bad and you will have no easy way to repair. Crawlspace- even if heated, you said there will be no access Ceiling running down- no, there is no heat in the ceiling and the lines would need to be exposed in the bathroom. Cold air return-maybe but again, no access I'm assuming this schoolhouse has a basement, most do, and your best option would be to build a secondary partition wall on the same wall as the addition to hide the plumbing and run it into from the basement. Essentially just poking through the now exterior wall and the new addition wall from inside the new fake exterior wall . It sounds like you need a H C for the washer, a H C for a vanity sink and a C for the toilet? Obviously the best thing would be to make as few penetrations as possible so use 3/4 copper for the sink, run flex hose or tubing for toilet and run two exposed lines from the vanity THROUGH(vanity) the side onto the wall(exposed) for the washer. I'm kind of guessing here as I'm not able to see the layout. If you're willing to make 4 penetrationsgo for it. The toilet only needs to be hose or tubing, make sure you put a separate valve in for it. The drains shouldn't matter, they are drains. As long as the traps are in a warm area and the lines are pitched well. Old houses suck. ADDITION existing exterior wall Plumbing ( H 0 C 0 H 0 C 0 ) from basement __newwall_____________________________
we just had a chimney fire and our landlords told us not to call the fire department. we have no smoke detectors in our house. what would have happened if this happened in the middle of the night and we couldnt escape? so now our landlords are beyond pissed at us. yet they are the wrost landlords ever. we have NO heat. it gets to 20 degrees out and we have a 4 month old son. does anyone know what we can do about this?
I don't know if anyone has every pulled it. But it has gone off at 3 am because some drunk girl tried to microwave a birthday cake with the candles still on iti was sooo pissed.
I had to use a kitchen extinguisher when food caught fire inside my stove. I'm unsure about how to clean up the residue left on the inside.
Well, I've been parked by a tree for a little over a day now and have yet to receive a ticket. And the college I stay at have police patrol literally ever hour or two. I would say thats a silly question but I wouldn't be surprised if it is illegal somewhere. I would tell you to call your local police number and ask but they'll probably think your messing with them.
im on ps3 parents wont get me gaming headset for christmas because i wont be able to hear a fire alarm. i dont want a one ear headset. advice or how to convince reasons? that be cool
Sounds like bipolar. There are some very benign mood stabilizers that can improve your emotional health. Ask a doc for one with as few side effects as possible. W/o meds, it wont get better and it might get worse.
A week ago someone broke into my 1991 Nissan Sentra and tried to steal it. They damaged the ignition cylinder and it is CRAZY expensive to replace for this car. Even if replacement was an option, I cannot remove the lock cylinder because they ruined it and I can't put the key in (at all) to turn it to the accessory position (needed to remove the cylinder, I've done a lot of research). My primary problem is: How can I remove the cylinder without the key? I've seen many topics about drilling it out, but I need specifics. OR How can I bypass the Steering wheel lock? (We bypassed the ignition cylinder, but the damn wheel was locked) It's been over a week now and the car has almost gotten tickets for sitting in the same area by the city. If you have a solution, please email me. I understand this is a strange situation, but the car must be moved ASAP into our driveway before we get fines, and have the money to pay a locksmith. THANKS!!
First off the word is Staph and you need to realize that the staph bacteria is the same bacteria that causes acne. Everyone has staph in their system it just depends if it causes infections or not. Second if you have a respiratory or nasal infection that is staph then it could be airborne. If it is in a wound you would have to come in contact with the wound drainage and it would need an open sore or some port of entry into your body. That said gloves would protect you ONLY if it isn't airborne. The problem is you STILL need to wash your hands after you wear gloves and come in contact with it so you will be washing your hands anyway. You would not need gloves unless you were coming in contact with the bacteria such as doing a dressing change on someone.
Just got a Smoke detector. Will it go off if it smells my cig smell?
you are thinking of rolled fondant, but it IS a frosting!! If I were you I would use a good buttercream or cream ccheese frosting. You can make this as smooth and glossy as the fondants. Dip your spatula in water and smooth the icing. repeat until it is super smooth and glossy. Then you can use more of the frosting to pipe happy birthday dear sister! on the cake and or put some piped shells around the top edge and the bottom where it hits the plate.
When was the lightning rod invented?
According to my Perry's reference there are pipe thread standards up to 24 inch but you typically only see threaded piping in sizes of about 3 inch and below.