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or in queensland
I think it is 10 australian doller per hour of 200 sq yd of roofing .It differ state to state
Would it be worth forwarding the offer to the client? Is the difference that substantial?
You don't want that. If he offers 3.5 instead of the required 3, that is a different story. Otherwise he should give you more material thickness to provide an equivalent R of 3. Yes, the difference can be substantial and I wouldn't forward it to the client. The smaller the R value of the entire roof sandwich the larger the difference it makes. Like the change from 5 mpg to 4 mpg is a 25% worsening in fuel economy, but a change from 100 mpg to 99 mpg is 1%. It will mess up the heating/cooling of the building and the mechanical systems might be inadequate. They could save money on the roof and complain how the building is too hot/too cold or the mechanical systems never shut off and their energy bills are too high.
We have recently moved into a house in Australia with a tin roof. There is a layer of 5cm batts on the rafters in the roof space, but the temp is 10-15 degrees C higher up there than in the house (with all the windows and doors open). I don't want to get air-conditioning, is there another way to insulate the roof and cool the house?
like they said ventilation is the answer... you allready have a radiant barrier ( metal roof ), now get the heat out. a rigge vent would be best with plent of open soffit all the way around the perimeter. if you're in a dry climate, a humidifier will work as well as an a/c, but much cheaper! give measurments in feet & inches... what do you thing, some one from france is going to help you?
I would like to find foam type tiles for my roof of decking, insulation?
www.okorder I checked the website I posted by searching 'foam roofing' on google. This link is what I found but there are others... Google it to find your best deal. I think I will spray this stuff under my pier and beam home just to insulate. Thanks for the tip! I can buy this product, apply it myself and cut the cost down to 1/3 or more.
what effect does changing the pitch of a roof have on the insulation properties and durability of a roof?
Increasing the pitch will of course result in a larger dead air space therefore more insulation. The greater pitch is also less likely to leak but of course more costly to construct as more material is needed. Install vents at the peaks for more efficiency. Shingles will be less likely to be lifted by high winds with the steeper roof also.
were can i buy material to insulate pans and instructions to install it? I have seen many roofs with this done ,but , the lowe,s and home depots don't have .
you do now not desire insulation for this application. in case you have now not offered the metallic yet i might advise searching for a status seam roof equipment that the panel would not are available touch with the substrate and would not use uncovered fasteners. If contained sooner or later you probably did be certain to surround the porch and upload warmth you ought to insulate the ceiling and depart an air area below the decking that ought to be ventilated from the eave to the ridge. a chilly roof assembly with proper air flow will dramatically cut back the flexibility of the metallic panels sweating.
My boyfriend has just moved into a flat in a newly converted house. He's up in the loft, and has just discovered that the roof isn't insulated.Does the landlord have a legal obligation to insulate the roof?
To comply with UK building regulations all lofts must be insulated... Q22. How much loft insulation do I need? A22. To meet current Building Regulations you need 270mm of mineral wool insulation. 100mm between the ceiling joists and 170mm laid over the joists.
As opposed to other roof structures, such as Mansard or Hipped roofs. If so, is it because there is a lesser distance between the internal heat source and the roof?
No, it really does not matter what type of roof as long as the insulation is well done. But of course in a flat roof it is easier to reach all the points with ease whereas in sloping roof some areas may be inaccessible. But, with blow-in insulation that is not a big problem.