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A chip spreader operates by spreading a layer of aggregate chips onto a surface, typically a road or pavement, using a conveyor belt system. The aggregate chips are stored in a hopper at the rear of the chip spreader, which is then fed onto a moving conveyor belt. The conveyor belt evenly distributes the chips across the width of the surface being treated. A rotating spinner at the back of the chip spreader helps to disperse the chips in an even pattern. The chip spreader is usually mounted on a truck and is controlled by an operator who adjusts the speed and width of the spreading process.

A road grooving machine is used to create grooves or channels on the surface of roads. These grooves serve various purposes, including improving traction, reducing hydroplaning, and enhancing drainage on the road.

The purpose of a road reclaimer is to efficiently and effectively reclaim and recycle existing pavement materials, allowing for the construction of new roads. It is used to pulverize and mix the old pavement with water and cement, creating a stable base for the new road surface. By reusing existing materials, road reclaimers help reduce waste and save costs associated with traditional road construction methods.

There are several different types of road chip spreaders, including gravity feed spreaders, conveyor belt spreaders, and rotary spreaders.

Whether you are looking for asphalt pavers, road rollers, or any other road building machinery, we have a diverse range of high-quality products to meet your specific requirements. Our team of experts is dedicated to understanding your needs and recommending the most suitable machinery for your projects.

At CNBM Malta, we believe in providing comprehensive services to our clients. Apart from sales, we also offer detailed quotations that are tailored to your budget and project specifications. Our team is always available to assist you with any technical queries or support you may need throughout the procurement process.

As a subsidiary of CNBM, a Fortune Global 500 company, we have access to a vast network of resources and expertise. Our close relationship with CNBM allows us to stay updated with the latest advancements in road building machinery technology, ensuring that we offer you the most advanced and efficient solutions available in the market.

Our years of experience in the Maltese market have given us deep insights into the local road construction industry. We understand the unique challenges and requirements of projects in Malta, and we leverage this knowledge to provide you with valuable guidance and expertise. Whether you are working on a small-scale road repair project or a large-scale infrastructure development, we have the expertise to support you every step of the way.

Choose CNBM Malta as your trusted partner for all your road building machinery needs. Contact us today to discuss your requirements and let us help you find the perfect solutions for your projects.