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How to do the ceiling gypsum board
Process: the roof of the crest of the elevation of a designated keel sub-line a installation of the main keel coins a installation of the keel a installation of the keel a installation of gypsum board (PVC board, health asked) a installation of sealant (Standard relative height of 2.96 meters, the relative elevation of 26 meters relative to the bathroom), along the wall, the pillars around the ceiling elevation of the standard level. Installation; main keel pieces: playing a good roof elevation and keel sub-file position line (spacing is not greater than 688mm).
Integrated ceiling and gypsum board difference
First, environmental comparison: Gypsum top is difficult to achieve the perfect combination of personal effects and environmental health, because: as long as the paint will have "toxins" - formaldehyde, and gypsum ceiling no matter what kind of, even the most simple white effect, The use of Paint to complete the final decorative effect, which is the consensus in the decoration process, so the gypsum ceiling environmental health is very difficult to satisfaction, if you want to do other colors, we must use the paint, the "harm" on More, Its formaldehyde content index is even more worrying. As a result of a recyclable green metal, does not contain toxic substances, and we deal with the aluminum itself, such as surface color, etc., are completed in the factory, the site construction is only Installation Of the program, do not need any auxiliary procedures will be able to complete, fully able to achieve environmental health standards. Gypsum board installation waste can not be recycled, integrated ceiling installation of the next corner material can be recycled.
Gypsum ceiling what materials? Material prices are what kind of price?
(Slightly a little shape or flat ceiling) into a single square meter, the material 64 yuan / m2 Artificial: 38 / m2 (Note: material and artificial according to the degree of difficulty of smallpox modeling)
Gypsum of the ceiling appeared a big hole, how to repair
You find a special understanding to ask it, but also how to do it
Gypsum board ceiling, when digging holes, and installation should be noted
My house is finished brushing the hole before the opening of the lamp, because the lamp cup has a narrow point along, burr can block, does not matter.
How to install the ceiling on the gypsum board ceiling
According to the provisions of national norms, more than 3 kilograms of lamps, equipment must have their own independent boom, not allowed to be fixed in the ceiling or ceiling keel. Your ceiling lamp 15KG, ordinary light steel keel gypsum board ceiling simply can not afford such a lamp, you should put the lamp with steel bars to do through the gypsum board directly after the plaster board fixed to the roof of the structure, or the lamp can not be fixed Solid, more unreliable.
Gypsum board ceiling with putty put it?
Ceiling with gypsum board, the above can not be directly painted or to putty. Or not flat and there are nails.
Upstairs leaking, put my home ceiling (with gypsum board to do) to the bubble, the degree of dripping from the ceiling down nearly 1 day. I would like to ask what should be handled? Is a dry brush on the line or should be demolished to do it again. I am now more worried about not re-do not have security after the hidden dangers, such as a long time to fall off the ceiling and so on. Because the original decoration when the gypsum board to see the strength of this material is very general, and very heavy, long water bubble will not have security risks?
Must be demolished redo, dry after the mold will be black, it is difficult to see. Strength down no problem, but the main role of gypsum ceiling or beautiful !!