Solar Battery Inverter Kit

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Is it really necessary to make solar panels that expensive?
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Solar panels can have a positive impact on the appearance of a home or building. While they do add an additional element to the exterior, the sleek and modern design of most solar panels can enhance the aesthetic appeal. Additionally, the presence of solar panels conveys a sense of environmental responsibility, making the property more attractive to eco-conscious individuals.
If I wanted to add solar panels to my home to produce on average, 8 kWh of electricity daily, how much do you estimate it would cost using state of the art technology?I live in Virginia (Washington DC Metro Area), and I have Dominion Power. I pay the following electric rates:Jun-Sep $0.0904/kWhOct-May $0.0776/kWhAnnual Ave: $0.0824/kWhDistribution charges add on approximately another $0.0228/kWh.How long would the ROI for an 8 kWh/day solar system be?
Figure 8 hours of sun per day, so 8 kW-hr is a rate of kW, which is a medium sized panel, probably not enough to operate your house totally, unless you have a very small unit. Averaged over 24 hours, that is power at a rate of only 300 watts, enough for a TV. Average US home use is .2 kW, which over 24 hours is 29 kW-hr, plus you need extra for cloudy days, peak demands, and to charge batteries. You have to decide off-grid or on-grid, and if you want to (and are allowed to) sell excess power to the power company. Off gird, the cost of batteries and charge controller are a large part of the cost. On-grid, you have to purchase equipment approved by the power company to match your power with the grid. Panels will cost about $3 per watt, so for 000 watts that is $3000. Double that for installation, then add in cost of charge controller, inverter, batteries, etc. The last items depend on your alternatives, see paragraph above. .
Yes, solar panels can be used in areas with high levels of bird or bat activity. However, it is important to take certain precautions to minimize the potential risks to birds and bats. These precautions may include using specific panel designs that reduce the chances of bird or bat collisions, implementing bird or bat deterrent measures, and considering the placement of the panels in areas away from known flight paths or nesting sites. By implementing these measures, solar panels can coexist with bird and bat populations while helping to generate clean, renewable energy.
The colder a solar panel gets the more efficient it seems to be. As the panel warms, it loses some efficiency. Why is this so? Please explain in a way you would expect a high school kid to understand it, as I am a high-schooler and i have to explain this to other high-schoolers.
For water heater type of solar panel the hot panel has more radiation losses reducing the heat available to be transferred to the water. In PV panels it has got to be characteristics of the PV cells. If the conversion efficiency drops with temperature rise then only this can happen. PV=photo-voltaic
Yes, solar panels can be used for charging electric bikes. Solar panels convert sunlight into electrical energy, which can be stored in batteries or directly used to charge electric bike batteries. By utilizing solar power, electric bike owners can harness renewable energy to charge their bikes, reducing their reliance on the electrical grid and promoting sustainability.
Yes, solar panels can be installed on a warehouse or industrial facility. In fact, these large structures often have ample roof space, making them ideal for solar panel installations. Installing solar panels on warehouses or industrial facilities can help offset energy costs, reduce carbon emissions, and contribute to a more sustainable energy future.
I just connected my 5 Watt 2V solar panel directly to my 300 Watt 2 inverter. It worked for about 2 minutes then it popped (sparks, smoke etc)! What the hell did I do wrong? I thought the solar panel was 2 volts? Can someone with experience with these things help me out?
. A 5 WATT panel can NOT power a 300 WATT inverter. 2. IF using 2 volts, then you need a 2 volt battery in the circuit as well. Panel charges battery which powers inverter. When the inverter pulls more power than the panel puts out, it gets it from the battery until the voltage drops low enough to shut down the inverter. NOTE: SOME cheap units do NOT have protective circuitry, and when the voltage drops, the current rises and burns them up.