Galvanized Steel Planter

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Light steel keel installed security door how loaded really
Light steel keel its own strength is not very good, anti-theft door directly fixed on the light steel keel, then open the door will have a great impact on the light steel keel wall.
Wood keel can be used to ceiling, can be used to do the wall? Light steel keel can be used in what place?
Wood keel is best used, one is poor fire, the second is easy to produce pests, and now the ceiling are gradually replaced by light steel keel keel.
What is the light steel keel gypsum board partition? What are the characteristics?
1. Wall shrinkage deformation and board cracks: the reason is the vertical keel tight top and bottom keel, no extension of the amount of stretch, more than 2m long wall is not controlled deformation joints, resulting in wall deformation. The wall should be left around the gap 3mm, which can reduce the temperature and humidity caused by the deformation and cracks. 2. Light steel skeleton connection is not strong, because the local node does not meet the structural requirements, the installation of local nodes should be strictly in accordance with the provisions of the law. Nail spacing, location, connection method should meet the design requirements.
How to install damping sound insulation felt
Keel on the installation of poly-mao acoustic insulation board (two-layer board folder sound insulation felt, sheet and sound insulation stitching treatment), noise board between the seams and sound insulation board and roof, floor joints for construction sealant seal.
Light steel keel wall can be installed sliding door
940 door to install the sliding door a bit small, open only less than 500 after the space, I suggest you install the folding door
75 series of light steel keel wall double-sided double-layer 12 thick plaster board filled with sound insulation noise can reach the number of decibels
Light steel keel gypsum board system is usually double-sided wall structure, that is, "plate - keel (cavity) - plate" structure, each side of the wall board for the single or double gypsum board, Light steel keel. In order to obtain better sound insulation effect, in the cavity filled with rock wool board or glass wool.
Do the decoration of the brethren, I would like to ask: inside the plant to do light steel keel ceiling, partition (are ordinary), package the price of how much?
Now the fee is relatively high, but their own buying and too much trouble
Use light steel keel to do the shelf, install the glass partition wall, this process is feasible? How about construction?
Have to do, nothing can not, but not a good idea. The feeling of the glass is bright and transparent. Light steel keel specifically suitable for installation, the concealed keel with transparent glass display will be what effect.