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What kind of aptitude does ZLp overhead job basket use?
Two, basket mounting qualification (such as: lifting machinery qualification three or more, ABC, three categories, security, construction, electricians and other personnel, etc.)
What are the mandatory requirements for the use of gondola cars?
1) all operators must read the instruction manual of the basket carefully. If they do not understand the requirements, they can not operate on the hanging basket.
What is hanging basket?
The basket is divided several general is now the most common a working tool is refers to the construction site for construction basket is simply a basket hanging basket frame can stand in the building to carry out various operations such as insulation materials, paint and so on.
Tianjin building more than meters, not allowed to use hanging basket construction
In fact, the building is not high enough to use a hanging basket, but the basket itself is not allowed to exceed a certain height. Is generally allowed to use to 200m, more than 200m, through expert proof can be used
What issues should I pay attention to when removing the galvanized basket?
4 remove the cable from the temporary electric basket, the distribution box and the hanging basket: and roll into the disc. 5, the wire rope unloading down to the roof, a disc. 6 、 dismantle the roof suspension device and do the protection work. 7, remove the counterweight, in front of the front and rear bracket of the electric basket, can pad a number of boards.
Construction basket use, need to the quality supervision department for the record?
Supervision units responsible for the safe use of basket responsibility oversight. Responsible for checking the relevant technical data of the products and the basket basket installation and disassembly operations personnel documents, installation and disassembly plan approval basket, installation, disassembly and use of supervision and inspection of the basket, the discovery of the existence of production safety accidents, shall require the general contractor of the construction and use of sub units for rectification, refuses to rectification the report to the competent department of construction units and construction in a timely manner.
Is the overhead hanging basket a building lifting equipment?
Overhead work baskets are not building lifting equipment. It's a removable scaffolding. 1 construction lifting equipment refers to the construction of the construction site for the use of car cranes, cranes, Longmen racks, winches and materials elevator. Building lifting equipment is mainly vertical transport construction materials, construction machinery, prefabricated parts, safety protection materials. Although the height hanging basket has the integral lifting function, it is not for the vertical transportation material.
What qualification does the hanging basket for production and construction require?
5, basket installation safety agreement 6, basket factory qualified, special 7, safety inspection station annual inspection report 8, safety record check list