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What kind of work is the steel keel wall?
Renovation to do light steel keel partition is the main carpenter to complete,
I now decorate a facade, want to save some money, the original use of light steel gypsum board separated from the good, but not what I want the effect, I would like to use the original material change, and listen to people say that gypsum board movement fragile. Demolished on the bad equipment. The specific situation is that there are two rooms are separated by gypsum board, that is, there are four walls are gypsum board, I would like to change the main are: 1, all the gypsum wall to move the location. 2, which has two walls need to take off a large part of the excess. Would you like to ask my friend to see if my program is feasible? I left this point, all reward
This is a bit harder. Under normal circumstances, light steel keel can be reused, but also pay attention to the demolition method, otherwise it is likely to cause damage; gypsum board will generally be damaged, if you want to keep the gypsum board intact - in fact is not Possible - demolition of the labor costs it needs, I am afraid it will be comparable with the price of gypsum board, and then removed or old, will affect the re-construction. Therefore, in this regard, it is better to buy a new gypsum board to be cost-effective.
Light steel keel main keel, vice keel spacing generally how much
Fu Long keel and the main keel is vertical row, vice keel and pay keel parallel row, spacing 600mm.
I have sheetrock on the ceiling of one of my bedrooms. Above the bedroom is a bathroom. I would like to replace the sheetrock ceiling with tiles that are removable, that way I can easily perform maintenance as needed - e.g. if the tub starts leaking, etc. Are there such a thing as removable ceiling tiles? Or a way to use regular ceiling tiles and affix them in a removable manner? I know this can be done with drop ceilings, but I'd rather avoid the loss of headroom caused by installing a drop ceiling.
yes you can but I am going back into my last home tha was made in the 1850's, kidding the add on was made in the 1920's and you can buy ceiling tiles with the painted metal grid. we had it on our 1920's rental flat. I would suggest you, if you are in the USA go to a LOWE'S or HOME DEPOT and ask them as LOWES recently opened in my little mountain town and I see they sell them. I find them very attractive, but my question is...why install something if you have a fear of a leak. Thats all i ask and I know you know bettr than me on that answer. good luck!
Light steel keel mark which category
What is the world keel and light steel keel? What is the use of ah?
what is the average cost of to put up a grid ceiling?
Average total materials are about .90 - $1.00 per square foot of ceiling area. Normal labor if needed is about $1.20 - $1.30 per square foot. If you choose to go to a 2' x 2' grid/tile pattern vs. 2'x4' add about .50 sq foot for grid and then add difference in ceiling tile cost. Regular 2'x4' ceiling tiles are about $2.40 for a 2'x4' tile. Some upscale 2'x2' reveal edge tile (these tile have a raised section that sits down below the grid and creates what they call a revealed edge. These tiles can be as much as $5 - $6 each for just 4 square feet. If you have any ceiling fans that need lowered into the new ceiling you can purchase a special ceiling box bracket that fits into the grid-work for about $40 ea. They are made by *B-Line. You need the following: a. Wall mold - this is the L shaped metal pc. that you install around the perimeter of the room on the wall. b. Main Runners - These are the main pc. of grid-work that are placed on 4' centers. I suggest you run these perpendicular to the existing ceiling joist. Layout the main runners so they create the same border tile on the sides, and the same border tile on the ends. c. 4' cross tees - These are the metal pc. that snap into the slots on the main runners - place these on 2' centers into the precut slots of the main runners. d. 2' cross tees - Use these when using 2'x2' ceiling tiles. e. Lag eyes - These are threaded point screws that have a flat end with a hole in it. Screw these into the ceiling so they hit an existing ceiling joist. Then use #9 ceiling wire with about 8 tail hooked in the lay eye hole - Wrap around itself about 3 times and leave the excess wire hanging down about 12' below your new desired ceiling level. f. Lag eye driver - This is a hand tool that fits into a cordless/corded drill. It fits over the lag eyes and easily drives them through the ceiling and into the wood of the ceiling joist. If you need any specific installation tips just ask.
Living room around the ceiling with light steel keel or wood keel?
Of course, light steel keel, made out of norms, flat. Wood keel itself is not dry, do not believe you go to sell the wood where it touches itself is very wet, when the workers even when the workers can not dry all dry. So hanging the top of the late a lot of trouble. Not flat, deformation, corrosion, there are raw insects possible.
Light steel keel wall hidden acceptance of what is the hidden content? (Not a ceiling)
1, whether the work of the wall itself in place. 2, pipe installation within the wall is in line with specifications. 3, whether the sound insulation placed in line with the requirements.