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I was wondering if they create other forms of energy besides electrical that is unwanted. Like heat due to the friction of something, or sound. Also why is a solar panel not able to collect 00% of the energy that is striking its panels. And how could the efficiency of this be hypothetically improved.
Inability to generate electricity in the absence of light especially at nights or on a rainy day. secondly, it has an inability to store power.
What is a good sight that I could go to about installing solar panels and all of the considerations of it?
Go okorder This is the web site for the magazine Homepower. You should probably get a copy of the magazine and have a look (there is a Free Sample Issue botton on the site). It contains articles about real people and their solar collectors. It usually details what kind of system they have and provides an illustration of the different parts. These articles and illustrations are very helpful to people who are new to the topic. They also have articles on things are far ranging as the national electrical codes for solar electric panels, building your own electric car and solar ovens for cooking. Check the site out and then request a free magazine.
Can anyone give me a link to a website that sells really big solar panels? Enough to run a small cafe on entirely solar power.
I cannot offer a source of info, but... Solar power is great, but not ideal (yet). Currently, one-story buildings that have a rooftop totally made up of solar panels can only get about % of the power needed by that means. Additional panels will be needed.
I want to replace my electricity with solar and wind. I live just right outside the city, the roof about 000 square feet. How many windmills/solar panels would it take to get me off the power grid?
If you are in the desert and near the equator you will need fewer panels than if you live in a rain forest or Alaska. If you live in a wind tunnel with consistent strong wind, you will have better results than if you live where there often is a lull in the wind and changes of direction of the wind. If you already pump your water by hand, generate your own electricity by cycling using your legs, and go to bed whenever it gets dark out, you might make it. But if you tend to cook and launder on the grid, run a refrigerator, perhaps heat your house or air condition it, own various gadgets you plug into outlets to use, like lamps, puters, toaster, shaver, blender, dishwasher etc, you may not be able to get off the grid.
Yes, solar panels can be damaged by hail or other elements. Hailstones can cause cracks or dents in the panels, impairing their functionality. Other elements like heavy rain, strong winds, or debris from storms can also potentially damage solar panels. However, most solar panels are designed to withstand typical weather conditions and are often tested for durability.
Yes, solar panels can be used to power an entire office building. By installing a sufficient number of solar panels on the roof or surrounding areas, an office building can generate enough electricity to meet its energy needs. Additionally, by integrating battery storage systems, excess solar energy can be stored and used during non-sunlight hours, ensuring continuous power supply.
If a solar panel has a power rate of 80 Watts and efficiency of lets say 30%. Does that mean the maximum power this solar panel can generate is (30/00)*80=54 Watts or its just 80 Watts?
Solar panels are tested in a lab that has a light the produces 000 watt/hrs per square meter. In these conditions your panel will produce 80 watt/hrs. If you would like to know what it does in really world conditions you have to find the sun-hours in your given area. A sun-hour is basically how many watt/hrs hit a square meter in a day. This number changes based on time of year, orientation, and temperature. Here in Fairbanks Alaska if the panel was at 90 degrees facing true south in October (.9 sun-hours) It would produce 80 X .9 X .8 (20% efficiency loss due to wires and controllers) it would produce 273.6 watt/hrs on average each day.
I'm looking for some advice on hot water solar panels. I'm trying to save some money on electricity. A neighbor has been suggesting solar powered equipment for some time now, and I think he's right. It does save quite a bit of money in the long run. They're kind of expensive though, so I'm looking for cheaper alternatives.
Solar Power is great. I installed it myself about 2 years ago, and you really do notice the change within the first couple months. Building it yourself is actually pretty tricky without the right resources. Some of the guides don't have enough detailed information that you need when you start putting the project together. I was having a lot of trouble until I stumbled upon a site that was offering some great resources for solar DIY projects. I went ahead and added it to the sources section below. It's great and has everything you would need for putting your own solar projects together, including hot water solar panels. Hope this helps!