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When choosing ground cover for a formal garden, it is important to consider several factors. Firstly, opt for low-growing plants that will form a dense, uniform carpet-like appearance, as this complements the structured and orderly nature of a formal garden. Additionally, select ground cover that is evergreen or has attractive foliage throughout the year to maintain a polished look. Consider using plants that can be easily shaped or trimmed to maintain clean edges and lines. Lastly, choose ground cover that is well-suited to the specific growing conditions of your garden, such as soil type, sunlight, and moisture levels, to ensure healthy and thriving plants.
Hello, I am just wondering why plastic surgeons in Canada cannot operate on citizens from the United States?
They can but it will cost about the same as in the US, more probably, with the travel. You would have to find a private clinic as Canadian hospital beds are not available to foreigners for elective procedures..
Yes, agricultural plastic can be used for irrigation. Agricultural plastic, such as drip tapes or pipes, can be used to efficiently deliver water to plants during irrigation. This method helps reduce water wastage and aids in controlling the amount and frequency of water supplied to crops, resulting in improved crop yields and water conservation.
Also, Is there a plastic that has antiseptic properties?
Most of the ones i have seen have been made from Poly-Styrene
Yes, nursery trays can be used for groundcover plants. Nursery trays provide a convenient and organized way to grow and transport groundcover plants. The trays help prevent weed growth, allow for easy maintenance, and can be easily moved or repositioned as needed.
does the plastic remain through the winter?
Plastic mulch is not mulch. Mulch is something that helps the soil, plastic mulch type substances will not benefit your soil but they will help with weed protection. And yes you leave it there at the end of the season.
Ground cover plants help prevent erosion in several ways. Firstly, their roots bind the soil together, creating a dense network that holds the soil in place, preventing it from being washed away by rain or wind. Additionally, ground cover plants act as a barrier, breaking the impact of rainfall and reducing the force that would otherwise directly hit the soil surface. They also help to absorb and retain water, reducing surface runoff and allowing the water to infiltrate into the soil, which further prevents erosion. Overall, the presence of ground cover plants helps to stabilize the soil and protect it from erosion caused by natural elements.
i always seem to chew on plastic water bottle caps and lollipop sticks. they say not to do it but me being me i don't listen but i wanna no!
No it is not safe to chew on plastic. It is not considered good because of two reasons 1. Chewing on plastic will break some molecules of the plastic which you are bound to ingest and cause health problems to the extent of cancer or tumors. 2. You will injure your gums and teeth by chewing on plastic. So DO NOT DO IT!!!