Interlocking Ceiling Tiles 12X12

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Our family is 2 meters high 6, the ceiling is also used to do? How high is it?
You can use the type of aluminum buckle board ah, simple and does not take up space, as far as possible not too bright color
What is the line on the ceiling? Gypsum carved
Gypsum line, should be poor for his weather resistance (and soon) so now are generally in the kind of large areas such as engineering, office buildings, dormitories and other places only use, now with integrated ceiling because he is more secure than gypsum board, Weather resistance, pollution, environmental protection and other advantages
Pvc gypsum ceiling easy to fall off?
Will, no gypsum board is good, pvc plaster ceiling can be used for two years on the good!
Can the living room ceiling be covered with an aluminum cords? How is the effect?
At present, kitchen and toilet ceiling generally use aluminum plate, of course, the living room can be. But relatively speaking, it is expensive. As for the effect, or very good.
Just bought a new house, do not know what materials to use to do the ceiling, I heard that most families are now using gypsum board ceiling, do not know how and quality?
Now most people use gypsum board to do decorative materials. Gypsum board shape changeable, flexible form of expression, is the decoration of the house is not only comfortable, beautiful, but also a sense of fashion, artistic sense. Living room can be used in general light steel keel gypsum board ceiling, if the economy allows the case, the bedroom can choose fire gypsum board. Kitchen, of course, is the choice of waterproof gypsum board, and waterproof effect is good, the whole decoration to achieve the effect of harmony and beautiful. Recommend the use of Bayer positioning gypsum board, positioning point, the provincial workers 30%.
My house is a prefabricated board and is a kind of old tile-roofed plaster ceiling can you, life is how much?
Yes, you can use the long boom to connect the keel. Do the ceiling without any technical obstacles. As for the life, it depends on the quality of the house, the house did not leak, ceiling use 25 to 30 years is not any problem. I hope my solution will help you
What kind of material is the interior of the ceiling?
Gypsum because of cheap and wall fusion
The ceiling broke two big holes, how to repair
1, if the hole is smaller than the diameter of 40mm, you can use gypsum. 2, if the hole is relatively large, it is recommended to cut the edge of the hole first Qi, and then find gypsum board, repair and hole the same size, fixed to the top, and then evenly gypsum. 3, the ceiling is a building interior top surface of the place. In the interior design, the ceiling can be painted, painted landscaping indoor environment and the installation of chandeliers, light pipe, ceiling fan, open skylights, air conditioning, change the effectiveness of indoor lighting and air circulation.