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Is it really necessary to make solar panels that expensive?
it cost less then $000. to make a car if you add all the cost of the material the average car made in the USA is sold for 30,000. before the company make a profit they need to sell 6 cars to pay for the labor. With a solar panel system it cost depending on you kilowatt use then they figure out the life expectancy of the unit what your monthly ele bill would be and that is what it cost for your system and that is with out the carrier charge from your power company who charge you for both when you use or sell power to the grid and most of the systems sold are sold to tie into the grid. as far as how much does it cost to make a solar panel The reason they give the price per watt is that is how they charge to sell them The process is not as complicated as they make it The high cost is in the so called shortage in silicon they claim there is a shortage of the type of silicon used in making the chips but last I heard silicon is just sand and it is the eight most common element on the planet it is the same process used to make computer chips which you can by now for around a dozen for a penny put that does chips togethet and you have one of the around 00 chips in a solar panel so a solar panel costcost about fifty bucks to make solar panel 00 watt sells for around $50. for a starter kit they sell them 200 percent mark up minimum the big cost is in the installation .
Yes, solar panels can be used for powering a hospital or healthcare facility. Solar energy can be harnessed through photovoltaic panels to generate electricity, which can be used to meet the power demands of various medical equipment, lighting, heating, and cooling systems in hospitals and healthcare facilities. This not only helps reduce reliance on traditional energy sources but also provides a sustainable and eco-friendly solution for powering critical medical infrastructure.
Yes, solar panels can be installed on camping sites. They provide a sustainable and reliable source of energy, allowing campers to power their devices and equipment while minimizing the environmental impact.
I read on CNN's website last year some company was creating a very cheap type of solar panel, that needs minimal maintenance and and has minimal glare from the sun. And the creator of the project said he one day wanted to cover every rooftop in the US with these solar panels. Seems like a good idea to me but I havent heared anything of it for a long time and I don't know what they are called... any help?
Solar panels are one of the hottest areas in materials research today - from basic science to applied production techniques. There have been major strides in thin-film manufacturing technique as well as silicon technology. There's not a lot of hype about it because solar panel manufacturers don''t really need to advertise yet - they are selling at factory capacity with demand for more. Standard silicon solar panels now sell for around $3 a watt, and grid parity is expected within 5 years. Reference is to the MIT Technology Newsletter, which runs several articles a month on new solar tech.
I am seriously thinking about installing PhotoVoltais Solar panels (that generate electricity) on my roof. Besides the usual (cost, ROI, etc.), I was researching for the maintenance of these panels. We have tall trees around the house and needles and leaves fall on our roof all the time... not to mention the dirt and grime that collects over time.Do these decrease the capacity of the panels? Do the panels require a regular maintenance?Thanks!
I don't know if the guy is right about cells burning out if they are covered. You should look on the Internet for insolation tables for your area to see the effective hours of sunlight. Then guesstimate the percentage of time the panels will be shaded. Those trees may make the solar thing a poor idea. He is right about the trees reducing you efficiency. If a panel is shaded about 0 percent, its output drops to close to zero. My panels are five years old, and I have washed them twice. There as been no noticeable dropoff in output.
i need to make a mini-solar car which shouldn't cost much. it's for my science project. for now, i just found out how to make a solar panel using copper oxide, but it does not generate enough power to power up the engine of the toy car [ the small engine they used in the toys, like from TAMIA]
I do not have the skills to make my own solalr panles even if I want to try it. I see the answer above but cannot understand it. I bought my solar panels from OKorder and it works for me quite well.
So, assuming that a solar panel is flush with the ground (i.e. only the photovoltaic side is visible, the other sides are covered by dirt,) what would happen if it was run over by a car? How about an SUV? Would it break?Would the solar panel still generate electricity?
Cars and SUVs weigh anywhere from a couple of thousand pounds up to ten thousand pounds. Solar panels are typically not designed to take that sort of weight. So the short answer is that it would crush the solar panel, and certainly damage the photoelectric cells inside it. - Stuart
Yes, solar panels can be used in areas with high levels of electromagnetic interference. However, it is important to ensure proper installation and grounding of the solar panels to minimize any potential impact on their performance. Additionally, the use of appropriate shielding and surge protection devices can help mitigate the effects of electromagnetic interference on solar panel systems.