cellular pvc sheet

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Brand new Compaq Laptop has a plastic cover sheet on its top. I want to keep protecting the frame and would like to know if I can get a new sheet in case the original one falls. Is there a way? Thanks,
you can find the at best buy and circuit city.
I want to try making my own soccer cleats from scratch. im trying to find a material to use for the bottom / sole plate of the cleat.
Sorry but they will crush under weight. They do break easily. You can cut them using a hacksaw.
How can I remove the glass glue from the plastic?
Hand cream. First, the surface of the printed products tear off, and then put some hand cream on top, slowly rub with your thumb, rub for a while, you can rub the residual gum are rubbed down. Just slow down. Hand cream is a kind of grease, which is not compatible with gum. Remove glue is to use this characteristic.
Where can i buy the PVC Sheet with good quality?
I okorder .
are pvc plastic sheets and acetate sheets made from the same or similar things?
they are different. acetate can be transparent like glass and isn't very flexible. I haven't seen clear PVC (thats not to say it doesn't exist) but it can be very flexible- like garbage bags or it can be made hard - like plastic pipes. PVC is more a group of plastics
imagine with mei want one side to be plastic to see whats happening insideand the other 3 sides is iron sheetits a straight duct ,,, no anglesvolume of the duct = 0.35 x 0.35 x 2.5a professor told that the best thickness for plastic side is 3mmand the iron sheet is 0.6mmis that right??if it is wrong tell me the best thickness for both??
would increase the thickness
Yes, plastic sheets are generally resistant to warping or bending with heavy loads. They are designed to be durable and have high structural integrity, allowing them to withstand heavy loads without deforming or bending.
Yes, plastic sheets can be impact-resistant depending on the type of plastic used.