Build Solar Panel From Cells

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Photosynthesis is fairly inefficient, but efficient enough to power all life on earth.
Si is a neutral semiconductor, and, when combined with the other metals in the solar panel, it the panel polarizes, and releases electrons form one end, and accepts them back at the other. Like a water pump. Mg is not the major ingredient because it doesn't have the easily altered semiconductor properties Si does. To put it simply, Si is easier to work with.
Yes, solar panels can be installed on a multi-story building.
Here's a little idea I though might help everyone out in Iraq a little: How about if the US mass produces solar panels that are small enough to carry (maybe one foot by three feet) that have a regular power outlet on them to the Iraqis? We could send convoys to the people waiting in line to buy gas and give each person one free solar panel. Why?. A lot of people are buying gas to run generators for air conditioning, not to fuel vehicles. 2. It would help reduce the gas lines if people only needed gas for cars instead of their generators too.3. It would help reduce the fighting over the power grid if people didn't need the grid for their own electrical power.My theory is, once every family in Iraq has enough of these panels that they don't even care about the power grid (during the daytime anyway) it would be much easier to fix the power grid. Maybe these solar panels could even connect to and add to the power grid.
A big problem with your theory is that because the solar panel is so small the amount of energy gathered from it would be small and probably wouldnt be able to provide electricity for things and even if it did it wouldn't last very long. its a good idea but it just won't work. in order to produce the amount of energy your talking about the solar panels would have to be the size of a roof and be placed on the rooftop or a hill or something. people wuldnt be able to carry that around.
Solar panels can still perform well in areas with high pollution levels, but their efficiency may be slightly reduced. Air pollution can cause a build-up of dirt, dust, and particulate matter on the surface of the solar panels, which can decrease their ability to capture sunlight. Regular cleaning and maintenance can help mitigate this impact and ensure optimal performance. Additionally, advancements in solar panel technology, such as anti-reflective coatings and self-cleaning mechanisms, are being developed to address the specific challenges posed by pollution.
Yes, solar panels can be used to power security systems. Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity, which can be used to power various devices, including security cameras, alarms, and sensors. This allows security systems to operate independently of the electrical grid, making them more reliable and cost-effective in remote locations or areas prone to power outages. Moreover, solar-powered security systems are also environmentally friendly, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and minimizing carbon emissions.
Yes, solar panels can be used on vehicles. They can be installed on the roof or the body of the vehicle to harness sunlight and convert it into electrical energy, which can be used to power various systems or charge the vehicle's battery. This technology is commonly used in electric and hybrid vehicles to improve their energy efficiency and reduce their carbon footprint.
I have a 2V .5W solar panel and I want to get a battery that can be charged by the solar panel that can then be used to power a 2V .5W fan. Ideally I want all the components to be connected and able to run without interaction. I have very little knowledge in regards to this field which is why I have come to yahoo answers. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
There okorder / Why pay thousands of dollars for solar energy ($27,000 average cost) when you can build your own solar panel system for just a fraction of the retail cost. You can build a single solar panel or you can build an entire array of panels to power your whole house. Some people are saving 50% on their power bill, some people are reducing their bill to nothing. But what’s most impressive is that just by following these instructions some are even making the power company pay them!
I know that the Solar panels store the power from the sun in the daytime, where does that stored energy go from there? Is it stored in the batteries? And how would you keep the batteries topped up if you had no Electric? by a generator? interested in solar panels for abroad, but need more info.
Solar panels do not store power. Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity. To store power you need batteries. The usual type of batteries used are lead-acid deep discharge( similar to car batteries). The batteries are charged up during the time the sun is out. However, as a backup you could also have a generator handy to provide power for times when the sun did not shine enough to keep the batteries charged up.