Black Solar Cells

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I got a really great deal on 2 houses because they were fixer-uppers. I'm living in one and the other I'm renting out. However, the previous owner did everything himself in 950 95, so needless to say, things are not to todays standards. Both houses need rewiring (there are no ceiling lights, few outlets, and mine has two old fuse boxes and the other has a breaker box but it pops the breaker a lot). The only reason they are still functional is because both houses use natural gas for water and heat, so otherwise, they electrical work is getting us by, but who knows for how long. I thought that maybe instead of redoing the electric, that I could just add solar panels to compensate for the small electric boxes. Also, since I would have to hire electricians to do all the work, which would be more cost effective (not including the decrease in utilities since I don't pay the utilities in the rental anyways)?
If there is already electricity on the street, you won't save anything up-front by adding solar. In fact, it will cost a lot more. You'd still have to have them wired up to code, plus have inverters and maybe a kit to sell power back to the utility. It may pay for itself in 20 years if the price of electricity rises. Otherwise, solar makes sense if you are miles from town and the utility wants $00,000 to run a power line to your house. (My figures are total guesswork - check with a local solar installer or two)
Ok Im trying to power my room using solar panels and I've figure out that I need about 700 watts to do so, but I really only use my electronics at night. I was wondering if I could buy lets say a 200 watt solar panel and let it charge a battery all day would that work? I live in southern california so I dont have to worry to much about cloudy days. also any suggestions on where to buy a panel, inverter, charge regulator, and battery?
You would probably need several batteries. 700 watts means about 40 Amps from a 2 volt battery. That is a lot of current. You need to loot at how may watt-hours you need. And how many amp-hours for the batteries.
what are the main minerals that are used in making solar panels. and where in the world are those minrelas usually found
Not minerals. Elements. Silicon. Found everywhere. Group III elements for doping. Group V elements for doping.
i have a fountain system that has a small electric pump. its made to be close to a house but i want it across the driveway and i dont want to run electrical over there a small solar panel that i can get fairly inexpensive to mount on a nearby tree and be able to plug the pump into it?
More okorder /... (... or search portable solar panel) And probably under a tree isn't a good placement for a solar panel. Good luck!
hey, i am wanting to help our earth a little bit, and I was wondering how to do a solar panel connection for powering my home.... i just want to reduce my energy bill a little bit, Would these solar panels work?and how would i connect them?
Hello, Yes you definitely can use this kind of panels. Powering your home entirely will be an issue if you are not familiar with solar energy and electricity in general. If it's the case I'm afraid you'll need a specialist. The basic principle of a solar power system: - Solar panel to charge the batteries - DC to AC converter that will convert the DC voltage from your battery to AC voltage so that you can connect regular home appliances like lights or TV.
A few months ago my dad said something about getting solar panels, and how green they were. I was just wondering if there were any companies that sold them and if they would actually make a big difference.
Not sure what application you need the panels for, but here is a website that retails a number of Solar products (as well as some other good alternative energy devices). Good luck!
The amount of energy a solar panel can generate depends on several factors, including the size and efficiency of the panel, the amount of sunlight it receives, and the geographical location. On average, a standard residential solar panel can generate between 250 to 400 watts of power per hour, or around 2 to 4 kilowatt-hours per day. However, larger commercial or utility-scale solar panels can generate much higher amounts of energy, ranging from several kilowatts to several megawatts.
i need to know wat the parts of a solar panel are.
For a photo electric system you need 3 basic things. Photo voltaic Solar panels the quantity determined by you need and a charge controller for the cells they are rated by current. Batteries the quantity determined by your needs. Last an inverter to convert 2 volts DC to 20-220 AC. The size shown in watts is determined by you needs. If you plan to use it all the time you will have to have piece of equipment usually part of the inverter to sync the inverter up with the public utility and any power you don't use gets sold to the power supplier. That our a manual switch which will not allow you to sell unused power to the power company. If you are thinking about this do your home work and if possible contact it out. This is not a good first time DIY especially since you are asking this question. No offense. Otherwise you will need to do some reading and studying. But no matter what there are parts that an electrician will have to do by law and you may need a permit depending on where you live.