12v Solar Panel Inverter

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im making an energy efficiant house for science class and i need to price the house. im putting solar pannels on the roof and would u please tell me how much they are per like 2 sq. feet of a pannel?
Completely self-efficient and autonomous??? Forget it. Too expensive. It's only worth if you use like 8 lights (2-20w) about 4 hours a day, a fridge, a tv about 4 hours/day and basically nothing else or a few low consume stuff. Forget about microwaves, dryers, or other stuff. Too much watts. And that would cost you no less than 5000-6000$. You need panels (about 4 or 6 20w would suit maybe), 2 batteries (about 600Ah at least), inverter(500w/24v) and a regulator, lets say a 30A one. Just stick to normal energy supply. A single 20w panel may cost about 750$ at least.
I have a 500 watt inverter and battery but need solar panels to run my need. I want to have enough juice to run a computer and monitor and sometimes a 5w amp. I am not sure how much power is needed to run the computer (standard desktop with 5flat screen with an additional surround sound system) though on the side of the computer it says 5 amp but I know I used to run it and monitor and surround sound with a heating blanket on the same circuit which was rated at 20 amps. My question is that I would like to go and buy some panels (cheaply as I'm unemployed) from somewhere like Harbor Freight that would meet the need of the converter to supply enough amperage. So what size panel(s) or panels would I need to run this setup? If I am correct I think 500 watts is equal to 5 amps. Would this even work? Could I run a partial system where I could run some of the stuff to take a load off? I need to lower my electric bill somehow. Thanks!
Solar okorder in their survival discussion in the archive, this exact project was discussed at length.
Solar panels generally do not void a roof warranty, but they may have some impact on it. The installation process of solar panels involves drilling holes in the roof, which can potentially cause leaks if not done properly. Therefore, it is important to hire a reputable installer who is experienced in working with solar panels and understands the intricacies of a roof. Some roofing manufacturers may require specific mounting systems to be used, and failure to comply with these requirements may void the warranty. It is advisable to consult with both the solar installer and the roofing manufacturer to understand any potential impact on the roof warranty before installing solar panels.
No solar panel, and for the reason you stated - it is so far from the Sun that a solar panel would be of little use (and a lot of extra weight) at the distances where the primary part of the mission was being performed. The power source is called an RTG. We can think of it as similar to a nuclear-powered battery or a miniature nuclear power plant. As far as I know it is not intended to reach any other star. If it does, it's power will have long since depleted - and it would take thousands of years at its current speed to reach even the closest star. Closest star: Proxima Centauri, slightly more than 4 light years away. Current speed of New Horizons relative to the Sun: 4.52 km/s That's 0.000048 of the speed of light. It would take more than 20,000 years to reach Proxima Centauri *if* it were heading in that direction (which it is not).
Yes, solar panels are generally easy to maintain. They have no moving parts and require minimal upkeep. Occasional cleaning to remove dust and debris is recommended, and regular inspections to ensure proper functioning are necessary. However, overall, the maintenance requirements for solar panels are quite low compared to other energy systems.
Yes, solar panels can be installed on agricultural or farming operations. In fact, many farmers have been adopting solar energy as a sustainable and cost-effective solution to power their operations. Solar panels can be mounted on rooftops, open fields, or even integrated into structures like barns or greenhouses. By generating clean energy, farmers can reduce their reliance on traditional energy sources, lower operational costs, and contribute to a greener future.
I was trying to figure out if I could run an electric heater off of a solar panel, but I don't understand these electric convertion factors and stuff. Would it work? (I know it'll only work in the daytime and stuff.)SOLAR PANELPeak Power 95W PTC Watts 73.0WVoc 30.7VPeak Voltage 24.4VIsc 8.6APeak Current 7.96A HEATERInput: 20 V/60 Hz ,500 W/5,200 BTU
Watts = Volts * Amps Your heater needs at least 500 watts of AC power. The solar panel only produces about 200 watts of power ( 24volts * 8amps). Not enough to run the heater. Also, the solar panel produces DC current, not the AC current that the heater needs. However, if you had solar panel that produced enough power (watts), you could buy a transformer to turn the panel's DC output into the required AC output. But that doesn't seem like a real cost-effective plan.
we are trying to reduce a solar panel from 9 volts to 3 volts. What do we need to make this work...
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