Solar Panels Micro Inverter

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I riped two solar panels out of some solar light and tested them. I found out that they both produce 2 volts(I have no idea on the watts or amps). Iquot;ve hooked them up to an electric motor that can be driven by a AA battery, but when I hook the solar panels up to them nothing happens. What is wrong?
The solar cells you have are not providing enough current to operate the motor. There are special low power motors which can operate directly from a solar cell but it sounds like you do not have one of these. Instead you have a common .5V DC hobby motor which requires substantially more current to operate. You can use the original circuit to charge the batteries and use the charged batteries to run the motor. The batteries would be able to supply enough current to operate the motor, but for a limited time. 8 hours of charging might give you less than 5 minutes of motor operation. An LED will draw about 20ma. In a solar light such a small current draw from an LED or two can provide hours of light. A Small DC motor might easily require 300ma to run and over 500ma to start. Running a motor from the same battery at over 5 times the current draw will result in less than /5 of the run time compared to the low current LED. So if an LED operates for 300 minutes the motor would run for less than 20.... The small solar cell size cannot provide enough current to operate the motor directly. Only by slowly charging a battery first would you be able to use the collected and stored Solar energy to operate your motor.
No, solar panels do not require a battery for storage.
I know what they do and how they work, but at this point they're expensive, don't always produce enough electricity as needed, and can't be used when there's no sun, as in half the day. Wouldn't wind power seem so more efficient? Or if they do use solar panels, how about putting them in the desert. But I really believe that research money should go to fusion generators since that's the future and the answer to our problems. Which is best in your opinion?
There is not a yes or no answer. But for the majority of the population it is a definite no. Because the energy needed to make a solar panel is more than the energy that a solar panel can return in its life time. so No for cities and urbanized areas because there is already existing infrastructure therefore you'll be wasting more energy getting them installed. And it is better and more efficient to have the more common energy sources for populated areas. However that being said it would be more efficient if you live in a remote area as it would not be worth it to build a huge electricity grid just to power one small house in the middle of no where.
Can I install my 2v solar panel straight to battery to charge the battery on my 989 ford ranger?
You would need a inverter which transfer AC to DC. then you can connect it to your battery. You also have to check is your battery able to take energy coming from inverter. This might be little but tricky. Check the energy output and battery Voltage before testing.
Yes, solar panels can still generate electricity even in cloudy weather. While direct sunlight produces the most optimal conditions for solar panel efficiency, they can still function and generate power in cloudy weather due to their ability to convert diffused sunlight into electricity. However, the electricity output may be lower compared to sunny days.
The average size of a solar panel is typically around 65 inches by 39 inches, or approximately 5.4 feet by 3.25 feet. However, the actual size can vary depending on the manufacturer and the specific model of the solar panel.
Which of these units determines how much electric energy a solar panel can generate?
Have okorder . It might surely benefit anyone!
I want to replace my electricity with solar and wind. I live just right outside the city, the roof about 000 square feet. How many windmills/solar panels would it take to get me off the power grid?
If you are in the desert and near the equator you will need fewer panels than if you live in a rain forest or Alaska. If you live in a wind tunnel with consistent strong wind, you will have better results than if you live where there often is a lull in the wind and changes of direction of the wind. If you already pump your water by hand, generate your own electricity by cycling using your legs, and go to bed whenever it gets dark out, you might make it. But if you tend to cook and launder on the grid, run a refrigerator, perhaps heat your house or air condition it, own various gadgets you plug into outlets to use, like lamps, puters, toaster, shaver, blender, dishwasher etc, you may not be able to get off the grid.