Premium Aluminum Foil

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I bought some frozen salmon and just recently cooked it in the ovenI decided to save some of it, I will be eating it tomorrow for lunchHowever, I was curious as to what is the proper way to store it in the fridgeThanks in advance
ziplock bag or wrapped in aluminum foil is the way i would do it
not sure what exactly to call it so you would know it without me having to describe but i want to know if the paper covers to aluminum to-go containers with a silver colored side are safe in a toaster oven? if you might also know the answer, i'm actually reheating pasta so what temperature and how long is it recommended in a toaster oven? thanks
A baby's normal body temp should be about 97 degrees F If you mean 37.5 degrees celsius, then no your baby needs medical attentionIf you mean fahrenheit, then this question must be fake.
Booster bags are basically bags lined with many layers of aluminum foil which block out signals from shoplifting alarmsDo they still work with today's technology?
yes they do, although some stores (only a few) now use RFiD tags which are more resistant to this method, and some stores use towers which can detect the presence of a booster bag, but these methods are seldom
How do i make a pyramid out of air dry clay.without putting inside a kiln?
I thought that was about 90 years agoThe French did not like it because it was being built on one of the last open areas in Paris, and it was considered uglyBut then in WW1 the French used it as a radio tower and received word that the Germans were advancing on ParisSince they were warned they held the citySo after that they appreciated itNow, it has come to represent the French, and they are actually quite proud of it.
Aside from aluminum foil and wax paper.Are wires safe?I have to make a mold for a sculpey project but aluminum foil alone can't do anything to support it so I need a list of alternatives.thank you.
That first answer is dumb and dangerousSculpey requires relatively low oven heat and among the materials you could use would be steel and aluminum wire, wood, and probably regular PVC plastic plumbing pipe (Sculpey makes PVC when the solvent is driven off.) The real question is whether the materials will expand and contract so much more than the Sculpey that they will break itScrunching aluminum foil for bulk around heavy aluminum wire (sold for clothes lines in hardware stores) should give volume with strength without too much expansion.
Any ideas for good and easy things to cook while camping?
water rocket made by bottles
I bought a well seasoned cast skillet, i wanted to re season it, with vegetable oil.But today i noticed the handle, is sticky and the side as well as the bottom i keep, it stored in my oven what's wrong with my skillet.
I would use a new brush (read:never had soap on it) with fairly stiff bristles to scrub the skillet under very hot water to remove any of the stickinessIf water alone doesn't remove the stickiness use a mild soap but be sure to season the pan after washing and dryingTo season: Cover bottom rack with aluminum foil Preheat over to 350? Coat the entire skillet in shortening Place skillet upside down on top rack Leave in oven for 1-1.5 hours Turn off oven and allow skillet to cool in the ovenIt should be good to go after thatAlways make sure to wipe down your skillet with a fresh coat of oil after cooking while it is still warm.
aantithesis foilbliterary foil
ANITITHESIS Main Entry: an·tith·e·sis Pronunciation: an-'ti-th-ss Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural an·tith·e·ses /-sEz/ Etymology: Late Latin, from Greek, literally, opposition, from antitithenai to oppose, from anti- + tithenai to set - more at DO 1 a (1) : the rhetorical contrast of ideas by means of parallel arrangements of words, clauses, or sentences (as in action, not words or they promised freedom and provided slavery) (2) : OPPOSITION, CONTRAST the antithesis of prose and verse b (1) : the second of two opposing constituents of an antithesis (2) : the direct opposite her temperament is the very antithesis of mine 2 : the second stage of a dialectic process LITERY Main Entry: lit·er·ary Variant(s): /'li-t-rer-E/ Function: adjective 1 a : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of humane learning or literature b : BOOKISH 2 c : of or relating to books 2 a : WELL-READ b : of or relating to authors or scholars or to their professions - lit·er·ar·i·ly /li-t-'rer-lE/ adverb - lit·er·ar·i·ness /'li-t-rer-E-ns/ noun FOIL Main Entry: 3foil Function: noun Etymology: Middle English, leaf, from Anglo-French fuille, foille (from Latin folia, plural of folium) fuil, from Latin folium - more at BLADE 1 : very thin sheet metal aluminum foil 2 : a thin piece of material (as metal) put under an inferior or paste stone to add color or brilliance 3 : someone or something that serves as a contrast to another acted as a foil for a comedian 4 a : an indentation between cusps in Gothic tracery b : one of several arcs that enclose a complex figure 5 : HYDROFOIL 1