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Yes, solar panels can be used to power outdoor events or festivals. They are a sustainable and renewable energy source that can provide electricity for various needs such as lighting, sound systems, food stalls, and more. Solar panels can be set up in strategic locations to capture sunlight and convert it into usable energy, reducing the reliance on fossil fuels and minimizing the environmental impact of such events.
want to add solar panels to manufactured home, and we get a lot of snow up here in the NW. Wondering if it would interfer with the roof load.
The okorder if you would like some ideas on how to do this.
Can I fet free solar panels. This site okorder sells a book that tells how to, but I ordered tha book more then a year a go, and in never came. I even sent them a email a day for more then 3 months and never heard back from them. If anyone knows how to get free pannels, please let me know how. A $300.00 a month bill is slowly killing me.
Do not touch free solar panels with a barge pole. The installer keeps the feed-in tariff and owns the panels on your roof, a problem when you come to sell the house. Your only benefit is the free use of the electricity generated, if you happen to be in, or use time clocks, on dish washer, washing machine etc. My system has a target of 6 kWh per day. At 43.3p per unit this is a theoretical payment of ?6.92 a day. All you could gain, assuming you use every available kWh generated, would be ?.92, assuming a tariff of 2 p per kWh. The feed-in tariff goes down for new installations next April. In my opinion its a good buy, and should show an 8% return on our investment. I would not like to give the main benefit to someone else.
Yes, solar panels can be used to power a sports stadium. By installing a sufficient number of solar panels on the roof or in nearby areas, a sports stadium can generate renewable energy to meet its electricity needs. This can help reduce reliance on traditional energy sources, lower operating costs, and contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly venue.
i have to do a science fair project and thought it would be cool to make a solar powered vw bus. i have 2 6volt solar panels to power a dc motor that works off of 9v 2v or 8v. i also bought a 2nd motor because the first wasnt workin for us. this one is a 3v motor. ive had them in the sun but they wont work. please help, thanks
A 2V battery designed for a current max of 200mA, can turn on a 2W lamp. If you want to turn on a 2V 200Watt lamp, you need a bigger battery capable of providing 6 amps!! Similarly the solar panel you have can produce a voltage, but when connected to a motor, the voltage might drop to much lesser value!! So apart from voltage you also need to know current taken by motor. Further, motors have a habit of not starting, but once prodded (mechanically rotate the shaft with hand), they may run. If you are in that border area, give a turn to the motor and see.
Yes, solar panels can be used to power an emergency response center. Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity, which can be stored in batteries or directly used to power the center's equipment, lighting, and other electrical needs. This can provide a reliable and sustainable source of power, especially during emergencies when the grid may be down or unreliable.
Shading on solar panels can significantly decrease their performance. When even a small portion of a solar panel is shaded, it can disrupt the flow of electricity and reduce the overall output of the entire panel. This is because solar panels are typically connected in series, so shading on one panel affects the entire string. Therefore, it is important to ensure that solar panels are installed in areas with minimal shading to optimize their performance and maximize energy production.
Yes, solar panels can be installed on a pergola or awning. In fact, these structures can provide an ideal platform for solar panel installation, as they offer ample sunlight exposure and an elevated position that maximizes energy production. Installing solar panels on a pergola or awning can not only generate clean and renewable energy but also provide shade and protection from the elements.