Gray Iron Microstructure

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Is it harmful to the body at the paint factory?
More than 10 years of age most of the painters have cough, fatigue, headache, chest tightness, limb weakness symptoms.
Does white paint and paint affect babies?
Paint and paint, there is no poison, has nothing to do with the color. So, there is no impact on the child, the best test.
What are the wall paint and paint?
Wall paint are basically water-based paint, brush wall, paint brush wood, metal surface of the majority, there is no good or bad, only the use of points
Everyone's paint and paint are where to buy it
Most of the people are building materials market, and some are directly recommended by the decoration company, regardless of now can also order online, choose a safe, cost-effective decoration coating is very important, Rui Peimu smart paint wish you a happy family, chicken years Big!
Car antifreeze yellow and red color What is the difference
Car antifreeze itself does not have color, the color is transferred through the coloring agent, mainly to facilitate the judgment of the leak and prevent misuse.
What is the smell of paint?
Paint on the human body hazards, not only through the inhalation of the lungs can occur, but also through the skin absorption. Human skin directly with the paint contact, can dissolve the fat in the skin, causing the skin in the crack, inflammation, but also into the human body.
What is high performance polymer?
Look at yourself
What is the difference between dyes and pigments?
Pigment and dyestuffs Pigments are a kind of fine powdery colored material, generally insoluble in water, oil and solvent, but can be evenly dispersed in it. Pigment is the secondary film forming material of paint, in the wood decoration process modulation primer, putty and wood coloring, but also often use the pigment.