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Yes, solar panels can be installed on metal roofs. In fact, metal roofs are considered to be one of the best types of roofs for solar panel installation due to their durability, longevity, and ease of installation. The metal roof provides a stable and secure base for mounting the panels, ensuring optimal energy production. Additionally, the smooth surface of metal roofs allows for efficient panel placement, maximizing sunlight absorption.
I had installed over the summer a solar panel system on my house. Hers some infofor you: I live in MOThe system cost 25K (Rounded numbers)The Rebate from the utility company was about 0KThe expected tax rebate will be about 5KI have a home office from which I work and is 5% of my homes sq footage. My question is though I am getting a basic tax rebate, should I be able to claim part of this off as an expense for my home office?It seams logical since I used to deduct part of my electric bill and I there for should be able to write off part of this. I am, after all using electricity and getting a bill from the utility that is higher than it would be if I didn't have the office2. If so which amount should it be? The full 25K or something after the rebates.
5% of the Net Cost (After Rebates) Depreciated over 27.5 years. EDIT: Oops ....39 years. I was actually debated that in my head before I posted.
Solar panels can significantly reduce your electricity bill by producing clean and renewable energy from the sun. By generating your own electricity, you can offset the amount of power you need to purchase from the grid, resulting in lower monthly bills. Additionally, if your solar panels generate more electricity than you consume, you may even receive credits or payments from your utility company.
ok so when a solar panel is marked as a certain wattage dose that mean it makes that much in a day in an hour or constant, dose it still work at night or what ? is it worth it or is it more of a pain? can some one tell me what all the watts and volts mean ?? and can some one tell me what a kilowhat is in refrence to some thing i understand like howmany loads of laundey can you do wt a watt? i need help understanding this stuff?
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I am looking to run 2 basic shoplights, each with 2- 32 watt T8 flourecent tubes for 6 hours a day for an indoor garden. Location WI.
Lets say, for a simple approximation, that the 45 watt panel produces 45 watts /3 of the time and nothing the rest of the time. Each day, this will produce 8 hours times 45 watts = 360 watt hours. Also assume the battery charge controller and inverter waste half of that power, leaving 80 watt hours per day. If you use compact fluorescent lamps, that would allow you to burn 80 watts worth for an hour every day, or 90 watts for 2 hours, etc. That is a lot of light for a shed. You might consider using much less efficient tungsten filament lamps, but eliminate the inverter and choose low voltage (automotive) lamps that can run directly across the battery and lower the total cost, but give you only about half the light times time. The main advantage of the inverter might be that it would allow you to use small power tools or appliances in the shed. -- Regards, John Popelish
OK, so if you put solar panels up on a roof, they are busy turning the sun's energy into electricity. So, does that mean the roof (and therefore the house/structure) stays cooler as well? Or does it still get hot, because . . . I dunno, maybe the panels don't convert all the energy, and the spillover still heats up the building.Any links or URLs to scientific answers would be appreciated, but I don't mind hearing from the Average Joe or (Joelle).
I asked the same question once to a PV install during a seminar a few years back, and he explained the following: No, PV panels do not reflect or absorb much heat from going into the building below but there is a reason for this: PV panels that reflect / absorb heat produce less electricity. They are designed to Thermally Transparent. Even worse if installed incorrectly without a good angle and air gap to allow the heat to escape the panels will actually trap this heat and increase the interior temperature of the building below! Below is the scientific analysis that is quite verbose but has two nice graphs at the end. To summarize: Adding PV panels, at best, shaded the building enough to reduce the load of the interior A/C unit by .8 kWh/sq-m/year. The electricity generated by the panels was about 356 kWh/sq-m/year. You can see the big advantage of PV panels is to make power, not reflect heat. Proper insulation is much cheaper and will do a much better job. Don’t worry, I was shocked too, but like anything it makes sense after it is explained.
im doin a science experiment and i have a battery that is 3.6 volts , does it matter wut voltage the solar panel that im connecting it to is . Does it need to match , be less or does voltage have no effect . If so wut does matter when choosing the type of solar panel to power a bettery?
. Make sure you got the right type of battery that allow to charge from the solar panel. 2. Make sure you use a device which I forgot the name but it will make sure the charge go one way in case the light go out so will not drain the battery while it is hook up. 3. Make sure you got the right charge from the solar panel to charge the battery. Reason is easyier to swim down the river or is it easy to swim up river.
Yes, solar panels can be installed on a condominium or apartment building. However, the feasibility and process may vary depending on factors such as building ownership, structural integrity, and local regulations. It is important to consult with professionals and obtain necessary permissions before proceeding with the installation.