Benefits Of Solar Cells

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Me and my friend have made our own functional solar panels for considerably less than retail prices and we are thinking about selling them. Are there any legal issues regarding this? Would I need any special licenses or anything? Would using brand name components or parts in the panels make any difference legally? I want to know before I just go out and start doing it. Thanks!
you might first patent the design . Make sure everything is well documented . talk to patent agents and lawyers . Then instead of becoming a seller , introduce your design to established companies. They already have all the licences , lawyers, codes..etc to sell , install, advertise to buyers . they can often make you a partner or buy your design for a lump sum . Solar is a huge step . Best wishes
how long till a 50 watt solar panel pays itself off in buffalo, ny if its $500. i have national grid and heres the link to the rates. i am residential.
the Department of Energy has a ' solar hours calculator for locations around the US factoring in hours of sunlight.....the other factor is how perpendicular to the sun the panel a wild guess I'd say Buffalo's solar hours factor is about 3....which means as an average over 365 days you get 3 hours a day of maximum ( 50 watts ) output. So 3 x 50 x 365 = 64.25 kWh a year. At, say, 5 cents a kWh, you're making $24.63 a year worth of electricity. See why the houses of upstate New York..let alone Ohio or Virginia or Georgia.....aren''t covered in panels?
I have tried researching on the internet and just cant find any real answer. I know that the amount of electricity produced when taking in the suns rays depends on the placement of the solar panels but I am just looking for ball park figures. Thanks
Guide okorder /
Yes, solar panels can be used for charging electric scooters. The energy generated by the solar panels can be stored in batteries and then used to charge the electric scooter. This provides a sustainable and renewable energy source for powering electric scooters.
Yes, solar panels can be damaged by birds or other animals. Birds may build nests or perch on the panels, causing blockage of sunlight and reducing their efficiency. Additionally, animals like squirrels or raccoons may chew on the wires or cables, leading to electrical damage. To prevent such issues, various measures like installing bird deterrents or using protective mesh can be taken.
Yes, solar panels can be installed in remote locations. In fact, remote areas with limited access to electricity grids can greatly benefit from solar panel installations. Solar panels are designed to operate independently and generate electricity from sunlight, making them an ideal solution for off-grid locations. They can be installed in remote areas such as deserts, mountains, or even on boats, providing a reliable and sustainable source of power.
I have seen quite a few different websites that talk about building your own solar panels for around $200. I wanted to know if anyone has had any experience with this before I decide to try it myself. It would be very helpful to know what I can expect from such an inexpensive setup; what kind of electronics or appliances would I be able to power. Realistically what can I expect from a $200 setup, and what would I need to power say a whole bedroom (clock, regular sized TV, PC, ext.).
Scam. okorder / Many of the other review sites are fakes to steer people into buying.
Simplfy it so i can understand pls and put it in stages such as . sun hits solar panel plsHow many different types of solar panels are there?
Solar panels is built of the solar cells in it..these cells are typically made of paper thick Silicon or Germanium metal (called semiconductors).When light falls on these solar cells the energy recieved from the light (photons)is used to emit electrons due to the nature of semiconductor material. These electrons being of negative charge are attracted by opposite positive charges or there is current flow from cathode to anode on these cells.This small electric charge generated is used to store in the battery connected...more the number of solar cells more the electricity generated .