Anodized Aluminum Foil

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I'm thinking about sharing some of my home made household products with friendsWhich is better to package them from an environmental point of view? Plastic or glass? Or is there another alternative? Any ideas?
Both are good and recyclable, but in sprays, use Corban Dioxide instead of CFC, which are harmful to environmentYou can also go for, aluminium cansRemember on CFC harms the environmentCorban Dioxide, does notGood luck.
My husband is in Iraq and I want to send him baked goodsThe cookies are simple enough to pack and send, but what if I wanted to do breads or muffin type things? How do I package them and how long will they be good for? Things usually take a week to get there.sometimes longerOne of the reasons for me asking is b/c in the past, when I stored bread at home or muffins in a sealed container, there was always so much moisture inside the container and I did not understand why, so I never seal muffins anymore, I just put them on a plate.I need to recommendations as well as answers to the questions above, and any other benificial inputThanks in Adavance!! Have a great day!
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Will a 11 lbs Solid Forged Steel Anvil be good to shape Copper Nuggets, Tin Ingots, Lead Ingots, And/Or Aluminum Ingots? And /or on any.?
That's a little light, but if those items can be forged by a hammer less than 1lb then it should be okThe general rule of thumb is 1lb of hammer to every 20lbs of anvilSince you aren't blacksmithing I think you can get away with pushing that ruleIf the anvil does jump around you can mount it on a heavy steel plate to add mass.
Aluminum foil is often used in high voltage test. What is the main function?
He is generally used for shielding because there are a lot of bare, bare burrs or protrusions formed under high voltage discharge, arcing, danger.
Hi, I want to install new vinyl siding on my house, and I have got some quotes from different contractors However some have said that it is better to remove all of the old layers of different siding on the house and some have said just to remove the first layer that's aluminum siding and leave the layer under in place.nobody offered and explanation as to why I should remove them all the contractor who sudgested to leave the older layers said that it was better for that true? what's the right thing to do and why ?
I have some experience with thisIt really is a personal choice, and sometimes what is cost effective is betterBut, I am going to assume from what you have told us that you have a house that was originally cedar siding, then it was wrapped with aluminum, and now you plan to put on vinylWhenever replacing siding it is very important to remove all previous layers and get all the way to the actual sheathing of your houseSheathing rots and gets damaged over time and you can never have any idea of the problems underneath the original siding unless you strip itIf you simply cover it up with new vinyl siding it will only compound any problems with mold/rot that may be lurking underneathThe vinyl siding will create a cavity over the old siding where there is room for air and temperature differences that will make the vinyl siding more prone to warping over time, and that is on top of the fact that without the flat surface of the actual sheathing, it is more difficult to install the vinyl perfectly flatMy neighbor installs Certainteed vinyl siding on houses and ALWAYS removes old siding because even though it may cost more, the benefits to the consumer far outweigh the costs of having totally hidden problems or having to have workers come back out to fix thingsAs far as them telling you its better for insulation, thats not entirely trueTearing down the old siding allows them to replace the Tyvek, repair any rotted out plywood and get a better seal around windows and doors where the most air is leaked in any houseSo I'm not sure how true that is, sounds like a crock to me.
what is the melting temp of aluminum?
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i have a steel tube clamped in an aluminium block with a bolti know roughly the clamping force produced by the bolti want to find out how much torque is required to overcome the frictional torque produced by the clamping pressure of the aluminium hole on the steel tubecan someone please help me with suggesting where i can find more resources about this frictional torque topic? thanks
Chi has a thermal protectant that is better than anything I have usedIts about $18 you can get it at a beauty supply or online at Sephora.
I want to make a wrist roller, but instead of using PVC pipe, I wish to use aluminum pipe. I absolutely HATE spray paint. Too humid here to even bother w/ the stuff. Projects always end up tacky the paint always ends up on your hands. It's rediculous.They have metalic paint, but is it going to be too much of a PITA to prep the aluminum for paint? I don't want a soft finish either. Look at baton's used in track. Isn't that a chemical that's applied to give colour?
Most colored aluminum is anodized. A process where a colored finish is bonded to the aluminum. What ever you use, make sure to scuff the surface with a Scotch Brite pad and clean the surface with alcohol to remove any dust as well as oily residue ( from handling ). Use a primer compatible with both aluminum and the finish coat.