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How to construct double - sided double gypsum board partition wall
Vertical keel sub-file: According to the location of the wall defense door openings, in the installation of the top keel, according to the specifications of the panel panel width, sub-file size 450mm, less than the modulus of the file should avoid the first box Plate position, so that the edge of the gypsum cover panel is not out of the box. Installation of horizontal card keel: According to the design requirements, wall height greater than 3m should be added to the horizontal card retaining keel, mining core pulling rivets or screws tied to fixed
Shanghai Light Steel keel ceiling Shanghai plant decoration office building decoration light steel keel ceiling wall
Focus on the ground material, the first floor of the plant decoration if the ground, a lot of plant floor decoration is not required to carry the load, then you can consider using some inexpensive decorative materials, such as terrazzo or cement flooring to do the plant floor decoration materials, Decoration to consider anti-static, then we should choose anti-static floor or anti-epoxy floor, etc. as the preferred material for the ground, there are plant floor decoration needs to load the ground, then we must do concrete in the ground floor, Concrete is divided into commercial concrete and soil concrete two, the former cost slightly higher but the quality is stable, the latter price lower quality in general, and then in the concrete base and then lay the other texture is more hard stone finishes can be.
Wood keel can be used to ceiling, can be used to do the wall? Light steel keel can be used in what place?
Many temporary buildings will use wood keel to do with the wall, light steel keel more for long-term construction
What is the difference between gypsum board partitions and lightweight partitions?
Functional distinction, light partition is mainly used to replace the brick and the larger compartment, play a fire insulation and insulation and other effects, and gypsum board partition, mainly the role of partition, thermal insulation effect Relatively poor, so between the two plates to be filled, such as rock wool, sound insulation cotton and so on. In short the two products are different, to see where, to achieve the main effect is what.
Who used the light steel keel gypsum board to do the wall?
Or do not use the light steel keel effect is not good or better brick I think a lot of places in the decoration are permanent investment so we must consider good for a moment of trouble or save money on the simple get
How to install light steel keel gypsum board wall
In addition to the open slit, gypsum board wall vertical and horizontal joints (including gypsum board and between the gypsum board and the roof, side wall joints) must be caulked and paste the seam. Dark seam handler: (1) embedded in the putty: sweep the gap in the floating soil, with a small knife put the putty embedded in the seam and slit flat. (2) scraping the bottom of the putty: caulk putty final condensate, in the joints on the scraping about lmm thick putty and paste the glass fiber band, and then from the upper and lower sides of a knife from scratch, so that the excess putty from the band Mesh out of the hole. (3) scraping the middle of the putty: the bottom of the putty solidification and still in the wet, with a large knife putty putty, the glass ribbon buried in the putty layer, and the gypsum board wedge-shaped edge filled leveling. 8. Wall decoration Light steel keel gypsum board wall wall decoration practices, can be used to brush, paint, paint, paper or tile veneer.
Light steel keel + gypsum board + surface brush latex paint partition wall per square meter offer is how much?
Light steel keel about 12-13 yuan, enough to do a square, gypsum board per square 16 yuan (double) or so, paint workers wages about 25 yuan. / Square (package workers package material); Labor costs about 18 yuan, all offer for 75 yuan or so.
Home to do light steel keel partition sound insulation, dare not use glass wool, with sponge or benzene as a filler for what kind of noise, good environmental protection
Are environmentally friendly materials, the state provides the use of materials, but the high cost. There I do not know, I was in Hebei, are generally in our side of the transfer of goods in the past with.