54 Cells Mono Solar Panel

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I have a 500 watt inverter and battery but need solar panels to run my need. I want to have enough juice to run a computer and monitor and sometimes a 5w amp. I am not sure how much power is needed to run the computer (standard desktop with 5flat screen with an additional surround sound system) though on the side of the computer it says 5 amp but I know I used to run it and monitor and surround sound with a heating blanket on the same circuit which was rated at 20 amps. My question is that I would like to go and buy some panels (cheaply as I'm unemployed) from somewhere like Harbor Freight that would meet the need of the converter to supply enough amperage. So what size panel(s) or panels would I need to run this setup? If I am correct I think 500 watts is equal to 5 amps. Would this even work? Could I run a partial system where I could run some of the stuff to take a load off? I need to lower my electric bill somehow. Thanks!
Solar okorder in their survival discussion in the archive, this exact project was discussed at length.
Why are they placed there? How come they aren't placed on the floor or window.My fiance and I are interested in putting solar panels on our new home. I was really curious and google wasn't giving me the answer. My roof is pretty small in our new house and I don't think it would fit there. Why is it usually placed there and is there another place? You will be chosen as best answer if you answer all my questions. Thanks in advance, and I would appreciate if nobody is rude. Otherwise, I will have to report abuse.
In most cases the roof gets the most exposure to the sun. However Panels can be mounted in the yard on platforms that follows the Sun's movement. One must take into consideration of where the panels will get the most exposure to the sun.
Solar panels can greatly enhance a property's energy independence by harnessing the sun's energy to generate electricity. By producing renewable energy on-site, solar panels reduce dependence on the traditional power grid and decrease reliance on fossil fuels. This allows property owners to generate their own clean, sustainable energy, leading to reduced electricity bills and a more environmentally friendly lifestyle.
So lets say that Everyday I use ,280 kWh. How many 250 watt solar panels would I buy so that I don't need to buy electricity anymore. Sorry if this sounds stupid, I am doing research on why american homes should become more cost efficient.
Everyday I use ,280 kWh 280 kW-hour / 24 hours = 470 kW WOW, that is a very high power level, most homes use an average of .2 kW. My guess is that you mean you use 280 kW-hour in a year, which comes to an average power of .3 kW, typical. Assuming you get, worse case, 6 hours of sun per day, for the first case, 470 kW, each solar panel generates the equivalent of 250 x6/24 = 60 watts, so you would need 470k/60 = 8000 panels For the second case, .3 kw or 300 watts, divided by 60 that is about 20 panels. Depending on where you live, you could need as much as twice that number. Plus you need charge controller, lots of expensive batteries, and an inverter. The big problem is periods of no sun. If you demand continuous power, and you have a period of, say, 24 hours with no sun because of storms, etc, then the number of batteries increases to the hundreds.
Yes, solar panels can be used in remote areas without access to the grid. Solar panels generate electricity by capturing sunlight and converting it into usable energy. This renewable energy source is particularly useful in off-grid locations as it provides a sustainable and independent power supply. With advancements in solar technology and the availability of battery storage systems, solar panels can effectively meet the energy needs of remote areas, even during nighttime or periods of low sunlight. This makes solar panels an ideal solution for powering homes, businesses, and infrastructure in remote locations without grid connectivity.
Is this a good kit for building a solar panel?
Guide okorder /
I'm doing a project for school and I'm a little confused about energy and solar panels. I'm looking to propose installation of solar panels to power the computer lab at my school. From what I've read a computer and monitor use roughly 350 watts per hour. I was looking at solar panels and it says they produce various wattage. For example, I was looking at one rated at 200 watts. Does that mean 200 watts in a day? Or per hour? Please help.
The rating of a solar panel is a maximum continuous rating. A 200 Watt panel will give a maximum of 200 watts under ideal conditions. A computer and monitor use about 400 Watts. not per hour - watts is Volts * Amps and a measure of Power. In hour a computer and monitor uses 400 Watt hours (Wh). Wh is a measure of Energy. To power a lab of 0 computers you will need 0* 400 = 4000 Watts. To run this from solar panels through the day only you would need a 4000 Watt panel. Except - its cloudy, the sun is in the wrong place - many factors reduce the output. To be reasonably safe you would need about a 2000 Watt panel. Then you would need batteries to store power through dull periods AND a voltage converter to change from low voltage DC from the solar panels to the mains voltage for your computers.
Yes, solar panels can be used to power a data center. Solar panels generate electricity by converting sunlight into energy, which can be used to power various devices and systems, including data centers. By installing a sufficient number of solar panels and utilizing energy storage systems, a data center can operate on renewable solar power, reducing its reliance on traditional energy sources and minimizing its carbon footprint.