24 Aluminum Foil Roll

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Why is the most insulation needed in ceilings or roofs? Just wanted to know
well insulation in general is to keep the inside temperature different than the outside. since hot air usually rises, i think it is to keep warm air form escaping in winter. also you don't usually have a heater in the attic, or air conditioning so insulation will keep the air in the attic from having an effect on the air within the house. that is my idea as to why
Help please, this home had a water pipe from meter brake in the basement as it was unoccupied/empty, the owner/builder replaced all the drywall, insulation, flooring, carpet, tile, roof, windows, hot water tank, furnace, bathroom and kitchen cabinets, new paint on all, basement ceiling was spray painted black (to hide something or to seal it?). the neighbor says the home was gutted and mold tested three times, its completely redone basically a new home inside, feedback please, it "looks" great
Sounds like the owners were pretty thorough in properly repairing any damage. If you are still concerned, you can ask to see the professional mold test review. You do not sound very convinced so, if you have any doubts or worries, I would steer clear of it and find a home you will be more comfortable in.
i live in a tropical country and i need to insulate my roof to block off the heat from the sun...which insulation would best help me? aluminum foil with foam, real foil with foam or PE with foam? pls help...thank u so much!
Use HDPE foam (high density polyethylene) - possibly with a layer of aluminum foil sandwiched in between. It's also waterproof (polystyrene isn't).
what action should a plumber take?????
struggling to understand your question! are you talking about a storage tank? what is the problem with the insulation? if it is in the way move it but insulation under a tank is not a problem the tank will need to be insulated any way!
we want to put a model railway up in the loft,and i like the idea of having white plastic cladding throughout up there,my hubby is insulating the roof tomorrow,but he prefers plasterboard,at least the cladding will be maintenance free,
i think it might be able to pass code if you ever sell the house.i myself would use sheets of white wainscoting.also make sure the insulation if it has a paper backing ,paper faces the room.
please help..
not unless you want little pieces of fiberglass in your hair and on your clothes every time you get in the car. They make special sound dampening materials for vehicles.
I live in the top most floor of a flat. Is it worth to insulate the roof (from inside) with styrofoam(thermocole) to reduce the airconditioning load. Is it really economical with respect to cost of insulation and savings gained? Any experiences?
You want to insulate at the ceiling joist level, not at the roof-rafter level and provide ventilation for the remaining cavity. You also want to make sure you have the correct vapor barrier. But you do not want to insulate directly below and contacting the roof deck. One of the difficulties with rigid insulation is making it fit correctly and without gaps. So be careful of that. You may have to supplement the rigid sheets with foam spray at the gaps, around wires and pipes and so forth.
Are black concrete roof tiles for my house uncomfortably hot even with roof under sheeting and insulation?
Black absorbs the suns rays. You're going to have to put vented windows in the attic. One on one side and one on the other side for ventilation if you don't already have them. There are also attic fans...take your choice. Purchase a fan that serves your purpose. As for the venting on the roof I still think it's a good idea for more ventilation.